Officers' Association Annual Dinner Letter

48th Officers Assoc Annual Dinner-1984 April 7

– Program

48th Highlanders of Canada

Officer’s Association Annual Dinner, Saturday 7 April 1984

Guest of Honour- Major General WC Leonard MBE, CD (Retired) The Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment) of Canada

The details are as follows:

Date Saturday 7 April 1984

Time 1800hrs for dinner at 1900hrs

Place  Officers’ Mess, Moss Park Armoury, Toronto

Cocktails Officers’ Mess, Queen’s Own Rifles, Moss Park Armoury

Dress Mess kit, black tie, Highland evening dress, business suit. Miniatures.

Pre -Dinner Squash The annual squash match, active vs non active, will be played prior to dinner. Those interested should please contact LCol Ron Simmons at 846-2066 (office) to submit names and get details.

Administration Please complete and return the attached sheet, along with your cheque, at your earliest possible opportunity.

Assessment $37.

Biography of MGen Leonard on reverse.


Associated place
Moss Park Armoury, Toronto
Associated event
Dinner / 48th Officers
Associated name(s)
Major General WC Leonard MBE, CD (Retired) The Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment) of Canada
1946 – 1999 Late 20th C.
Location of artifact
Case 49 Storage
Programs and menus, Event related
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