Front and Officers, Committees 1967

48th OCA Bulletin- 1967 March

– Documents

48th Highlanders Association Bulletin

O.C.A. News March 1967

Meeting, Thursday , March 9th.

Information on meetings,

News on meeting, Life Members Dinner, Annual Picnic, Dances. OCA Guard under direction of “Knobby” Stan Clare, Major Dick Read, Dunc Sinclair, Jr. and Don Fletcher. Members who passed away, James Prior (92nd draft), Jack Hewitt (48th-39r), A. Beaudine (48th-39r-RCAF), Douglas O. Collins (15th Bn.) John “Taffie” Willis (15th, 48th-39r), RSM William Crossley (48th-39r), Bill Davis (92nd), John Hanna (Pipe Band). Change of Command April 14th, 1966 LCol Lowndes to LCol Peter Cameron. Officers Mess Dinner, April 22nd, Sergeant Annual Ball at Moss Park Armoury.

Old Comrades Association)

Honorary President

Brigadier E.W. Haldenby, CBE, MC, CD

Officers – 1967

President – Ken Matheson      536-8948

I.P.P. –   Bob Nicholson          463-4647

Vice-President -Bill Wilson  466-5679

Secretary – Wally Moore        HO. 5-2032

Treasurer – James Brannan   481-1345

Marshal – Herb Sershall          221-0610

Executive Members

Archie Dewar, Bill Starr, Jimmy Martin, Dunc Sinclair, Jr. Jack Gadsden, Ken Moze, Stan Clarke

Welfare Committee

James  Brannan  (Chairman)  481-1345

House Committee

Jack Gadsden (Chairman)        267-0816

Sick Committee

Bill Starr (Chairman)                537-1157

Membership Committee

Ken Moze  (Chairman)             463-9186

Entertainment Committee

Jimmy Martin (Chairman)      741-7990

Sports Committee

Dunc Sinclair, Jr. (Chairman) 769-5624

Club Manager

Howard E. Anderson     WA. 2-4876(Commissioner of Oaths & Affidavits)

General Meetings – Second Thursday of each month except June, July and August

“Make The Club Your Haven in Sixty-Seven”


Associated place
Memorial Hall, 519 Church Street, Toronto
Associated event
Associated name(s)
Bob Nicholson, Ken Matheson, Bill Starr, Jimmy Martin, Dunc Sinclair Jr. Jack Gadsden, Ken Moze, Stan Clarke, “Knobby” Stan Clarke, Don Fletcher, LCol Dick Read, Bill Johnston, James Prior, Jack Hewlett, A. Beaudine, Douglas O. Collins, John “Taffie” Willis, RSM William Crossley, Bill Davis, John Hanna, Honourary Colonel Brig. Ian S. Johnston, CBE, DSO, ED, Honourary Lieutenant Colonel, Brig. J.E. Ganong, ED
1946 – 1999 Late 20th C.
Location of artifact
Case 49 Storage, Display area storage
Association Publications


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