Front and reverse of program, with Officers, Executive and Committees

48th OCA Bulletin -1945 Sep 11

– Documents

48th Highlanders

Dileas Gu Brath Old Comrades Association

Club Rooms

97 Yonge Street, Toronto Phone AD. 5535

President:                    Treasurer:

G. Lovergrove               J. Campbell-Tibb

KE. 8917                       HO. 4395

Vice-Pres.:                   Secretary:

H. Ralph                   James Fleming

LL. 7051                        KE. 6108

Reverse Side

48th Highlanders (Old Comrades) Association

Club Rooms: 97 Yonge St. Toronto:

The Regular Monthly Meeting of the Association will be held in the Club Rooms on-

Tuesday, September 11, 1945

Business-Election of Officers

Geo. Lovegrove, President     James Fleming, Secretary

Information on Club Crests

Ladies Auxiliary meeting for October


Installation of billiard table, Heather Rifle Club and shoot, Sick Committee visits, Visitors from the United States, St. Andrews Pipe Band. Information on auditors position, The Pipe Band Dance for October. Pensions Counsel and Cribbage League.

Back Side

Officers 1945

President., G. Lovegrove, 9 Pendrith Ave. KE 8917

Vice-Pres., H. Ralph, 62 Tyrell Ave. LL. 7051

I.P.P. A.A. Scully, 899 Manning Ave. ME. 1326

Sec’y…Jas. Fleming, 58 Holland Pk. Ave. KE 6108

Teas., J. Campbell-Tibb, 19 Balsam Ave. HO 4395


G.F. MacKenzie, G.E. Laceby, J.E. Banton, J.F. Williams, C. Dickson, Ted Rodgers, J. Woods


James McConnach


Major the Very Rev. Stuart C. Parker, D.D.

Pensions Counsel, W.F. Challenger, AD. 5535

Commissioned under the Privy Seal to take sworn declarations and evidence under oath.



G.E. Laceby , H. Ralph, A.A. Scully, J. Campbell-Tibb


J.F. Williams, LL. 4520

G.E. Laceby, Ted Rodgers, Alex Burns


A.A. Scully. ME 1326

J. Fleming   G.F. Mackenzie W. Boulding

East End

J. Edmondson, Len Faulkner, J. Woods


G.F. Mackenzie. LA 7375

J.E. Banton J. Edmondson

Pipe Band

Pipe Major Robert Smith, LL. 5656




Associated place
Club Rooms, 97 Yonge Street, Toronto
Associated event
Associated name(s)
H. Ralph, James Fleming, Jack Jones, A.A. Scully, J. Campbell-Tibb, G.F. MacKenzie, G.E. Laceby, J.E. Banton, J.F. Williams, Ted Rodgers, C. Dickson, J.Woods, Major the Very Rev. Stuart C. Parker, D.D., Alex Burns, J. Edmondson, Pipe Major Robert Smith, LL.
1939 – 1945 (WW 2)
Location of artifact
Case 49 Storage
Other, Event related


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