Details of Regular Meeting of the Canadian Club

Postcard re 48th Meeting at Canadian Club-Feb. 4th, 1946

Speaker B Gen Ian Johnson – Cards

Badge of The Canadian Club


Edgar G. Burton, President

A regular meeting of the Canadian Club will be held in the Ball Room of the Royal York Hotel at 12.45 p.m. on

Monday, February 4th, 1946

The guest of honour will b Brig. Ian S. Johnston, C.B.E.D.,S.O.,E.D.

The subject of the address will be “Troubled Europe”

Just back from Europe Brig. Johnston attended, as a Member of the Court, the trial of Kurt Meyer held at Aurich. Proceeding overseas in 1939 with the 48th., Highlanders, he commanded the 48th., during the Sicilian and Southern Italian campaign. From June 1944 to June 1945 Brig. Johnston was in command of the 11th. Infantry Brigade in Italy and Northwestern Europe. In June 1945 he was appointed commander of the 5th. Canadian Armoured Division. Making personal observations in Sicily, Italy, France, Germany, Belgium, Holland and Denmark, Brig. Johnston will interpret conditions in troubled Europe to-day.

Special Notice – Tickets $1.00 each, can be purchased at – C.P.R. and C.N.R. ticket offices, King and Yonge Sts.; Royal York Hotel Cigar Stand; and at May Bro., 2869 Dundas St.W.

J.M. Philip, Asst. Sec.-Treas. 1921 Montreal Trust Bldg. Elgin 5590

Card sent to Mr. W.K. Waters,

General Office.

Bank of Nova Scotia, Toronto, 2.

Associated place
The Canadian Club, Toronto
Associated event
Penny Postcards
Associated name(s)
Kurt Meyer
1946 – 1999 Late 20th C.
Location of artifact
Case 49 Storage
Cards, Event related


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