Notice to Officers re annual Regimental Fees

48th Card, Officers’ Regimental Fees-1924

From Scott Griffin – Cards

48th Highlanders-Dileas Gu Brath

Allied with the Gordon Highlanders

Under Authority, given at the last Annual Meeting of the Regimental Committee, to dispose of the question of Regimental Fees, it has been decided, with the approval of the Commanding Officer, to impose no Regimental Fees for this year, but, in lieu thereof, the assess each Officer of the Active Battalion the sum of Ten dollars ($10.00) to be paid either in full, upon the receipt of this notice, or in two payments of Five dollars ($5.00) each, the First payment of Five ($5.00) to be made now and the Second on demand when required.

48th Highlanders of Canada

Scott Griffin Treasurer

June 1st, 1924

9 Toronto St., Toronto

Associated place
Associated event
Penny Postcards
Associated name(s)
Scott Griffin, Treasuer
1920 – 1938 Interwar period
Location of artifact
Case 49 Storage
Cards, Event related

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