2021800 539 Service records, 15th Battalion

2021800539 Box of 15th Battalion and 1st Bn Service Records

box  2021800539  contains printouts of  Service Records from Library and Archives Canada.  Each soldier records are individually placed in a legal size file folder.

Alston, James, Pte 27643;  Anderson, David Sherrit, Pte, 27299;  Acland, Peregrine Palmer, Capt.;  Bedford, Alfred Carl, Sgt Maj,27635;  Beck, Samuel, Sgt Maj, 1045217;  Armitage, John D, 28114;  Bell, William R, Lt. 27666;  Baird, William Ross, Sgt Maj, 141158;  Bethley, Charles, Pte, 27446;  Black, Frank Charles, Cpl. 799199;  Sgt Maj.Biyers Peter,  28004;  Calder, John, Sgt, 27155;  Caton, Walter, Sgt. 55342;  Christie, Campbell, cpl, 27983;  Chappel, WPD, Pte;   Cockburn, Ross Collin, Capt 27987;  Counsell, Jim Ronald, LCol;  Cresswell, George Herbert, CSM 27984;  Curtis, William James, Pte, 802435;  Cumming, John Dean, Pte, 27319;  Davidson, R, Pte.;  Darling, William Warren, LCol;  Deharte, Lewis E, WO, 27836;  Dibden, Fred,193233; Lt. Dickie, David M.; Pte. Dickie, Peter M.; Pte. Blais, Alexander B73124; Blais, Alexander Henry, 89299; Donaldson, D.M. B72637;Dyball, NT, B72554; Dyball, William Thomas, 55414; East, Stewart, Bland;  Lt. Eby, Blair Stewart;  Edmonson, John, 27062; Elms, William P, B73429;  Fletcher, Donald M.;  LCol. Forbes, J, W;  Galloway, William Keith, 47994; Geddis, John, 192406;  LCol. George, Michael E.; Gledhill, Frederick C. 27634;  Maj. Gordon, Edward Charles; Gordon, William Garey, 193459;  Eva, John James, 522517; Capt. Grant, Frederick William;  Pte. Gray, John Welford , 887042;  Pte. Groves, John 799714;  Capt. Haldenby, Eric Wilson;  Lt. Haldenby, Robert E. ; Cpl. Hart, Thomas 28031;  Hosie, Robert C,. 802308;Hudson, John, 1090404;  Jamieson, Frank, 192377;  Jensen, Christian A, 803138;  Jones, Morgan Thomas, 27497;  Brig. Johnson, Ian S.;

Associated place
Associated event
Associated name(s)
1914 – 1919 (WW 1), 1939 – 1945 (WW 2)
Location of artifact
Tower, Tower Numbered location
Research, Personnel lists – 48th

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