Sgts' Mess Burns Dinner 25 January 1918 Whitley Camp, Surrey, England

134th Battalion – Sgts Dinner, Burns-1918 Jan 25

– Program

“The rank is but the Gaines stamp The man’s the Gow’d for a that”

Dinner given by the Warrant Officers, Staff Sergeants and Sergeants of the 134 Canadian Infantry Battalion (48th Highlanders

in Honour of their Parent Regiment the 48th Highlanders of Toronto, on Anniversary of Burns’ Birthday, Twenty-fifth January, One Thousand, Nine Hundred and Eighteen.

Sergeants’ Mess, 134th Canadian Infantry Battalion, (48th Highlanders)

Witley Camp, Surrey, England

Toasts and Menu inside insert, Board of Management of Reverse of insert.

Associated place
Witley Camp, Surrey, England
Associated event
Dinner / 48th Sgts
Associated name(s)
T. Gruden, Sgt
R. Mackenzie, C.Q.M.S.
J.S. Cruden, Sgt
W. Greig, Sgt
F. Kirk, Sgt
B.J. Savage, Sgt
D.M. George, O.R.Q.M.S.
F. Moyoh, Sgt
1914 – 1919 (WW 1)
Location of artifact
Case 49 Storage
Programs and menus, Event related
Linked name(s)
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