Regimental Church Parade-Sunday, April 23, 2017

Pamphlets/Programs St. Andrew’s Church King and Simcoe, Toronto The Presbyterian Church in Canada Sunday, April 23, 2017 – Second Sunday of Easter 48th Highlanders Regimental Church Parade Service 110th Anniversary of 48th Highlanders Chapter !ODE 15 pages of Service and Events

In Celebration of John Montgomery Lowndes – March 10, 2017

Pamphlets In Celebration of John Montgomery Lowndes May 8, 1926 to February 24, 2017 Photo of Col. Lowndes Friday, March 10, 2017 at 11:00 AM Timothy Eaton Memorial Church 230 St. Clair Avenue West Toronto, Ontario Reverse Order of Service Scripture reading by Capt. Rev. Canon Don Aitchison, Recessional Pipe Major (MWO) Iain Lang, CD […]

OCA Annual Remembrance Dinner – November 11, 2017

Pamphlet/Menu 48th Highlanders O.C.A. Annual Remembrance Dinner November 11, 2017 Reverse side Program and Menu The wine tonight is donated by John Newman in memory of our longtime friend and mentor Col John Montgomery Lowndes OStJ, CD, QC Back of Program Head Table and OCA Executive, Past Presidents

Regimental Church Parade – Sunday, April 22, 1918

Program Regimental Church Church Parade, Sunday, April 22, 1918-Fourth Sunday of Easter 48th Highlanders Regimental Church Parade Service 15 Page program  Special Service for Return of the Vimy Cross Card for Program King and Country Card The 15th Battalion’s Vimy Cross Comes Home from the Front – Again, History

Everett, Pte Frank Gordon

B48769 Everett, Frank Gordon enrolled with the 48th Highlanders of Canada on 11 September 1951 and was assigned to C Company. He was discharged, at his own request, on 13 June 1952 having applied on 6 June 1952 to the RCAF. Address – 101 Pembroke Avenue, Willowdale, (Toronto suburb), Ontario.

Program – Change of RSM, 27 October 2017-CWO D.H. Murphy, CD to CWO B.K. Kwok, CD

Programs and Invitations 48th Highlanders of Canada Change of Regimental Sergeant Major RSM D.H. Murphy, CD to RSM B.R. Kwok, CD 27 October 2017 Dileas Gu Brath, Faithful Forever Program of Events inside of Biographies of CWO (RSM) Derek Murphy, CD and CWO (RSM) Brian Kwok, CD Back of Program Biography of Reviewing Officer – […]

CSA Newsletter – December 2009

Newsletter Continuing Sergeants Association Newsletter December, 2009 Information on New Years Levee, Regimental Ball, Regimental Picnic A Word from RSM CWO P.W.G. McIntyre, CD Bulletin Board Death of WO Charlie Potten, 30 Nov. 2009. WO@ Harry Wignall, and Sgt. James Ernest Forrest. Information on kit shop, Membership dues  and 2010 Executive Committee and Members.

48th OCA Newsletter-August 2007

Newsletter 48th Highlanders of Canada Old Comrades Association Newsletter, August 2007 Reminder of Warriors Day Parade, Golf Tournament and Dinner, Dinner Cruise Photographs of PM Sandy Dewar’s Retirement, Gord Outhwaite and Bill De Harte Laying Wreath at D Day Dodgers, W. Moore, H. Wignall and J. Dunne at June Life Members Meeting. Page 2 Pachino […]

48th OCA Newsletter – October 2009

Newsletters 48th Highlanders of Canada Old Comrades Association Newsletter October 2009 Heartfelt thanks for concern on the passing of Gordon Outhwaite O.C.A. Executive members required Membership and Schedule of Events Dinner tickets for Remembrance Dinner