Letter, Enclosed with Medal of Sgt Walker-1921

Regt. #27698. – Documents I am directed, by the Honourable the Minister of Militia and Defence, to convey to you the enclosed medal for the deceased officer or soldier whose name is engraved thereon, and to express to you the regrets of the Militia Council that he did not live to wear this award. Major-General, […]

48th Penny Postcards-1931 Dec 1

Maj Griffin to LCol Morrissey – Cards to Lt. Co. S.B. Morrissey, University Club, Toronto 48th Highlanders of Canada 1 Simcoe Street, Toronto, December 1, 1931 The Regimental Christmas Card is now ready and may be obtained from the undersigned. The Card this year will have an insert of the last Officers’ Photograph with names […]

48th Penny Postcard, Officers Dinner-1932 Jan 23

– Cards 48th Highlanders of Canada January 28, 1932 You are reminded of the Farewell Dinner in the Officers’ Mess to Lieut. Colonel Sinclair on Friday evening, February 5th next. If you intend to be present, please send $2.50 to Captain E.C. Gordon, 372 Bay Street, without delay. You will appreciate the necessity of our […]

48th Card, Officers’ Regimental Fees-1924

From Scott Griffin – Cards 48th Highlanders-Dileas Gu Brath Allied with the Gordon Highlanders Under Authority, given at the last Annual Meeting of the Regimental Committee, to dispose of the question of Regimental Fees, it has been decided, with the approval of the Commanding Officer, to impose no Regimental Fees for this year, but, in […]

48th Penny Postcard, Officers Schedule-1923 Nov 6

From C.W. Darling to Lt G.M. Griffin – Cards 48th Highlanders As a member of the Officers” Mess you are expected to attend the following: Saturday, Nov. 10th. 6.30 p.m. Annual Dinner. King Edward Hotel; Dress-service uniform, blue, or dinner jacket. Sunday, Nov. 11th. Unveiling of Monument. Parade at Armouries, 1:45 p.m. Uniform if possible. […]

48th Officer Charity Ball-1933 Nov 13

– Invitations Dileas-Gu-Brath 48th Highlanders Allied with the Gordon Highlanders Lieut.-Colonel J.P. Girvan, D.S.O. M.C. V.D. and Officers of the 48th Highlanders of Canada request the pleasure of your company at a Charity Ball to be given on Thursday, November the thirtieth 1933 at nine o’clock P.M. at the Royal York Hotel 2. Tickets for […]

100 Lire Banco D’Italia, 1931-1937

– Documents: This bank note was brought or sent back from Italy by a member of the 1st Battalion 48th Highlanders of Canada while in Italy in 1943 and 1944. Banca D’Italia Lire-Cento Faga Vista Ortatore Decre. Min. 13 Marzo 1937 – Anno XV – E5 Ottobre 1931- Ann0 1X 100 Lire T12- 1245 G. […]

1 Gulden Netherlands-Oct 1938

– Documents Serie CE No. 567393 Zilverbon Groot een Gulden De Nederlandsche Bank aan alte Rijkskantoren Geregistreed 1 October 1938 Signed by de Agent van hert Ministerie van Financien and De Minister van Financien on back is coat of arms

2.50 Gulden, Netherlands-1938

– Documents 2.50 Gulden Zilverbon Serie AP No 387327 1 October 1938 Signed by De Agent van het Ministerie van Fiancien and Minister Reverse side Koninkrijk der Nederlanden Wettig Betaalmiddel

100 Francs, Banque de France- 1938

– Documents Banque de France 1482877217 Cent Francs Payables en Espices, A Vue, Au Porteur A.Z. – 1938.AZ. Le Caissier Gal    Le Secretaire Gal signed C.59316  217 Farm workers on front on back France Banc 100FR workers