Reminder postcard re 48th Summer Camp at Lake Erie – dated June 16th, 1931

– Cards 48th Highlanders of Canada It has been decided to take the Regiment to camp at Port Maitland, on Lake Erie, for the week-end of Aug, 1st-leaving Toronto, Saturday afternoon, returning Monday evening (Monday being a holiday). Each man volunteering for camp will be asked to subscribe $2.00 towards expenses. This is necessary as […]

Reminder postcard re practice parades for Trooping of Colour, – July 2 1931

– Cards 48th Highlanders of Canada Trooping The Colour Practice parades for the ceremony at the Coliseum on We., July 15th, will be held at the Armouries at 8.15 p.m. on Thursday, July 9th, (Service dress) and Tuesday, July 14th, (Full dress, scarlet, medals). A,B,C, and D companies will each supply a Guard of 1 […]

Postcard re 48th Officers Mess Spring Drill Season -1924

– Cards 48th Highlanders Officers’ Mess Programme for Spring Drill Season 1924 The following series of short lectures will be delivered in the Mess Room, Friday nights, after the regular parades:- Friday, April 25 – ”  a Padre with the Tanks” Capt. the Rev. Stewart Parker Friday, May 2 – “Sidelights on the Life of […]

Postcard re 48th Officers Mess Fall Drill Season-1924

– Cards 48th Highlanders Officers Mess Programme for Fall Drill Season 1924 The following programme has been arranged:- Friday, Sept. 19th – “Opening Night” Friday, Sept. 26th – “Initiation of New Subalterns” Friday, Oct. 3rd – “Bombs and Bombing” Lieut. S.H. Crawford Friday, Oct. 10th – “Certain Scottish Regimental Traditions” Lieut.-Col. A. Fraser Friday, Oct. […]

Postcard to 48th Officers re visit to Argyles – March 21, 1931

– Cards To The Officers of the Active Battalion March 1931 The Officers of the Argyle and Sutherland Highlanders of Hamilton, have invited our Officers to pay them a visit on Saturday, March the 21st next. Our Baseball Team is to play theirs at six p.m. and the game will be followed by dinner in […]

Postcard notice re Parade, April 10,1931

48th Highlanders of Canada The Regiment will parade at the University Avenue Armouries on Friday, April 10th, 1931, at 8.15 P.M. and every Friday thereafter at the same time and place until further notice. Dress:-Service Orer with Kilt. W.W. Southam, Capt. Adj.

Toronto Garrison Sgt Ass. Membership Card-1923-24

– Documents membership card Toronto Garrison Sergeants Association not transferable 1923 and 1924 George Elms Sgt. Instr. 48th Highlanders 6 Irwin Ave. and 34 Hazelwood Ave. C.S.M. Nixon 122 MacDonnell Ave. Secretary C.Q.M.S. F.D. Lorsch, 67 Walmer Road, Secretary

48th Officers Dinner, Carling Height Camp-1926 Aug

– Program Invitation 48th Highlanders Dileas Gu Brath Allied with The Gordon Highlanders The Officer Commanding and Officers of The Forty-eighth Highlanders of Canada request the pleasure of your company at Dinner in the Officers’ Mess at Carling Heights Camp on Sunday evening, August the first One thousand nine hundred and twenty-six at seven-thirty o’clock […]

48th Luncheon, Officers, York Club-1928 Nov 10

– Invitations Lieutenant Colonel G.H. McLaren requests the pleasure of your company at Luncheon at the York Club on Saturday, 10th November 1928 at one fifteen P.M. R.S.V.P. Room 506 11 King St. West