British Cavalry Equipment 1800-1941 by Mike Chappell

British Cavalry Equipment 1800-1941 by Mike Chappell. Series: Men At Arms This book focus on everything that was put on British Cavalry horses, accoutrements worn by the soldiers and the weapons used by the soldiers from 1800 to 1941. ISBN Number: 0 85045 479 4

Canada at War by Leslie Hannon

Canada at War: The Record of a Fighting People by Leslie F. Hannon. This book provides an overview with photographs of Canada’s military history, including the colonial times, early Canadian history, the World Wars and the Cold War periods. Type: History -Canadian -Military

A History of Jarvis Collegiate Institute by Harvey Medland

Minerva’s Diary: A History of Jarvis Collegiate Institute by Harvey Medland. This book provides the history of Jarvis Collegiate Institute in Toronto from 1807 to 1978. Type: History -Canadian Notes: 48th Cadet Instructors served with the Jarvis School Cadet Corps.

The Scottish Tradition in Canada ed. by W. Stanford Reid

A History of Canada’s Peoples: The Scottish Tradition in Canada edited by W. Stanford Reid. This book provides significant moments and impacts by the Canadian Scottish people throughout Canada’s history. Type: History -Canadian

Mount Pleasant Cemetery: An Illustrated Guide by Filey

Mount Pleasant Cemetery: An Illustrated Guide by Mike Filey. This book provides the history of Mount Pleasant Cemetery and notable people who are buried there. The cemetery was first started in 1826. ISBN Number: 0920668-69-0 The 48th Highlanders monument is one noted.

A St. Andrew’s Century by William Scoular

Not an Ordinary Place: A St. Andrew’s Century by William Scoular. This book focuses on the history of St. Andrews’s College at Chestnut Park, which the author did hours documentary research and interviews. Type: History -Canadian