Scroll from City of Toronto, 1934

Colour Scroll from City of Toronto in 1934 the City’s Centennial Year to The 48th Regiment (Highlanders) in appreciation of contributions to Toronto’s Centennial Celebrations. Scroll is framed with glass front.

A History of Canadian Army Trades by Thomas Bennett

A History of Canadian Army Trades Including Their Badges & Parachutes Wings by Thomas J. Bennett. This book provides background and details of the job description of each trade within the Canadian Army from the 1900 to present (book published in 2005).

Canadian Infantry Accoutrements 1855-1985 by Summers

Tangled Web: Canadian Infantry Accoutrements 1855-1985 by Jack L. Summers. This book focuses on the Canadian Infantry accoutrements on what they were used for, when they were worn and by whom during the period of 1855 to 1985. Type: History -Canadian -Military ISBN Number: 0 919 31697 2

Canada’s Soldiers by George Stanley

Canada’s Soldiers: The Military History of an Unmilitary People, third edition by George F.G. Stanley. The book provides an overview of the military history within in Canada from the 1600 to 1974, which it includes the events pre-confederation and post-confederation. Notes: Donated 2005 Oct