Vimy Ridge Memorial Unveiling – Trip Itinerary

Blue cardstock trip itinerary by Thomas Cook & Son of pilgrimage to the unveiling of the Vimy Ridge War Memorial on July 26th, 1936, as this trip was arranged by them, with information in the document printed with black ink including details such as: modes of transport, departure dates and times from different locations, food […]

Lt. A. J. Miller – Lieutenant Qualification Course Certificate

Large yellowed rectangle paper document printed with the coat of arms of Canada at centre top and the word “CANADA” below it and two circular black stamps in the top left and right corners, the left stamp reads: “THE ROYAL SCHOOL OF INFANTRY   TORONTO   No T.4689   Date 24/6/38”, and the right stamp reads: “Department of […]

Reception at Buckingham Palace – Entrance Card – July 29, 1936

Rectangular yellowed paper card with black printed text on one side reading from top to bottom: “BY THE KING’S COMMANDS   A Reception   will be held by   THEIR ROYAL HIGHNESSES   THE DUKE AND DUCHESS OF GLOUCESTER    in the Garden of Buckingham Palace   Wednesday, 29th July, 1926, from 4 to 6 p.m.   (Weather permitting)   Admit Mrs. H.E. […]

LCol A. A. Miller – Copy of King’s Message

Yellowed paper with King’s message printed with black ink reading: “I join with my grateful people in sending you this memorial of a brave life given for others in the Great War.” At the top of the document is the royal coat of arms and the words: “BUCKINGHAM PALACE”, both embossed with red wax, and […]

MWO George MacLean

MWO George MacLean was an integral part of the 48th Highlanders Regimental Family for 86 years and at the age of 104,  set the record as our oldest living Highlander of the modern era. George joined the 48th on April 25, 1938, and was issued Regimental Number 1892. When he came into the Regiment in […]

WW1 Memorial Plaque – LCol A. A. Miller

Bronze circle memorial plaque given to family of LCol A. A. Miller after his passing in the war, with his name in a rectangular box on the plaque reading: “ARMOUR ADAMSON MILLER”. The design of the plaque was decided upon through a public competition and the winner was a Mr. Edward Carter Preston (1894-1965), and […]

Commemorative Scroll for LCol A.A. Miller

Yellowed paper scroll commemorating the passing of LCol A.A. Miller while in service, held in a rectangular mahogany colour wood frame. The top of the scroll features a large image of the coat of arms of the United Kingdom with the royal cypher of “GVRI” (George V Rex et Imperator) at the top. Printed below […]

LCol A. A. Miller – King’s Message

Yellowed paper with King’s message printed with black ink reading: “I join with my grateful people in sending you this memorial of a brave life given for others in the Great War.”, held in black wood frame. At the top of the document is the royal coat of arms and the words: “BUCKINGHAM PALACE”, both […]

POW letter From Henry Ralph – WW1

Sgt Henry Ralph  – Short typed letter of his history and a copy of his POW letter about POW treatment after his capture at the second battle at Ypres.   details recorded in soldier file