Drawing: Watching a rat

Coloured pencil drawing by Lt J E Banton of two Highlanders seated in a trench watching a rat. Private John Erwin Banton attested into the 92nd Battalion CEF on 14 Aug 1915.  He rose to the rank of Sgt in the 92nd Battalion but was reduced in rank when he was sent in a reinforcement draft […]

Drawing: Officer at desk by candlelight

Pencil drawing, black and white, by Lt J E Banton of an officer at a desk reading an order with candle in wine bottle. No caption or signature. Private John Erwin Banton attested into the 92nd Battalion CEF on 14 Aug 1915.  He rose to the rank of Sgt in the 92nd Battalion but was reduced […]

Drawing: Preliminary study: Carrying out the Wounded – Passchendaele

Pencil study by Lt J E Banton for final pen and ink drawing – “Carrying out the Wounded – Passchendaele” caption at top; single line border around study; no signature. Private John Erwin Banton attested into the 92nd Battalion CEF on 14 Aug 1915.  He rose to the rank of Sgt in the 92nd Battalion but […]

Preliminary sketch: The Road to Passchendaele

Pencil sketch by Lt. J E Banton, preliminary to final drawing, of the road to Passchendaele. Caption across top. No signature. Private John Erwin Banton attested into the 92nd Battalion CEF on 14 Aug 1915.  He rose to the rank of Sgt in the 92nd Battalion but was reduced in rank when he was sent in […]

Drawing: Who called this a Peaceful penetration? – Canal du Nord

Pen and ink drawing by Lt J E Banton of three Highlanders prone on the ground under shelling at Canal du Nord. Heading “Canal du Nord” across top; “Say Andy, who was that guy who called this peaceful penetration?” at bottom of drawing; signature, location and date in bottom right corner. Private John Erwin Banton […]

Drawing: Stand down – Rums up

Pen and ink drawing by Lt J E Banton of 15th Battalion 48th Highlanders in trenches receiving their rum ration from a Sergeant. Caption across bottom “Stand down – Rums up”. Signature, location and date: “J E Banton, Bas Oha Belgium, Feb 21st/19” Private John Erwin Banton attested into the 92nd Battalion CEF on 14 […]

Drawing: In the Line

Pen and ink drawing by Lt. J E Banton of Highlander preferring his role in the lines versus Brigade Guard Duty. Caption beneath each role “In the Line” and “Brigade Guard”.  Signature, location and date in lower right corner. Private John Erwin Banton attested into the 92nd Battalion CEF on 14 Aug 1915.  He rose […]

Drawing: A street in Neville St Vass

Pen and ink drawing by Lt J E Banton of two Highlanders strolling on road; Caption at top edge “A street in Neville St Vass”; On bottom left “These brick heaps used to be homes once, Bill.”; Date and signature at bottom left “J E Banton, Dec- 1918” Private John Erwin Banton attested into the […]

Drawing: The Evening Straff

Pen and ink drawing by Lt J E Banton of 48th Highlander dashing towards dugout during shelling. Caption at bottom, left centre “The evening straff from Fritz (St Pierre Trip)”; note from artist (Heading or tailpiece) on bottom right; Location, date and name on bottom left corner “Engelskirchen, Germany, Jan 6th/19 Banton” Private John Erwin […]

Drawing: Wearing a complete Sailor outfit

Pen and ink drawing of a 15th Battalion 48th Highlander being paraded for discipline; Highlander wearing a sailor outfit and sporting a black eye. Caption at bottom “Wearing complete sailor outfit and had no idea what happened to his kilt.” In bottom left “(“Any Complaints”). Name “Jacban” [sp] in middle right side. Drawing may be […]