War Diary, 1st Bn – Mar 1940

Mar 40: In Aldershot, training. The following attachments to the war diary are included in the PDF file: No appendices. The appendices for March, April and May were lost during the Foray to France in June. Copies were located at higher HQs but are not attached to these months at unit level.

War Diary, 1st Bn – Apr 1940

Apr 40: In Aldershot. Training at Puttenham Common, Hankley Commons, Pirbright, Hangmoor Range. The following attachments to the war diary are included in the PDF file: No appendices. The appendices for March, April and May were lost during the Foray to France in June. Copies were located at higher HQs but are not attached to […]

War Diary, 1st Bn – May 1940

May 40: 2nd Battalion formed in Toronto for training and recruiting. 1st Bn moves from Aldershot to Salisbury Plain 10th to 20th May, then back to Aldershot. On 22nd Bn move to Dover then back to Aldershot when channel move to France is cancelled. Back to Dover on 30th. The following attachments to the war […]

War Diary, 1st Bn – Jun 1940

June 40: ½ June at billets in Wellingboro, then Aldershot on 6th. Advance party sent to France. Bn boards SS Monsour on 13 June for Brest, France, then train to Sable sur Sarthe. Return by train to St Malo for England and Aldershot. The following attachments to the war diary are included in the PDF […]

War Diary, 1st Bn – Jul 1940

July 40: Training in Aldershot. 16th to Newdigate, Surrey. The following attachments to the war diary are included in the PDF file: Minute One and Two to HQ CIB – Inquiry re War Diaries (7 copies) Cover letter to CMHQ London – (7 Copies) Reply from 1st Cdn HQ – (5 Copies)

War Diary, 1st Bn – Aug 1940

Aug 40: Bn at Newdigate, Surrey. LCol Southam made CO, LCol Haldenby promoted to Brigadier. The following attachments to the war diary are included in the PDF file: Strength Reports – weekly Field Returns of Officers – weekly