Shipman Collection Box 3 – unit records and misc documents

48th Record of Service Cards – 1930 Col Girvan CO CA Routine Orders #5490 (28 Mar 45) to 6302 (31 Dec 45 Newspaper Clippings from the 1960’s Trooping The Colours Ceremony Dated 01 May 67 for the 01 July 67 Parade Copy Number 9, Issued to Lt. A. V. Shipman Records of Service Cards 15th […]

Shipman Collection Box 2 – unit orders and misc records

48th Record of Service Cards – 1930 Col Girvan CO CA Routine Orders #5490 (28 Mar 45) to 6302 (31 Dec 45 Newspaper Clippings from the 1960’s Trooping The Colours Ceremony Dated 01 May 67 for the 01 July 67 Parade Copy Number 9, Issued to Lt. A. V. Shipman Records of Service Cards 15th […]

Shipman Collection Box 1 – Unit records and misc documents

48th Record of Service Cards – 1930 Col Girvan CO CA Routine Orders #5490 (28 Mar 45) to 6302 (31 Dec 45 Newspaper Clippings from the 1960’s Trooping The Colours Ceremony Dated 01 May 67 for the 01 July 67 Parade Copy Number 9, Issued to Lt. A. V. Shipman Records of Service Cards 15th […]

War Diary, 1st Bn – Mar 1940

Mar 40: In Aldershot, training. The following attachments to the war diary are included in the PDF file: No appendices. The appendices for March, April and May were lost during the Foray to France in June. Copies were located at higher HQs but are not attached to these months at unit level.

War Diary, 1st Bn – Apr 1940

Apr 40: In Aldershot. Training at Puttenham Common, Hankley Commons, Pirbright, Hangmoor Range. The following attachments to the war diary are included in the PDF file: No appendices. The appendices for March, April and May were lost during the Foray to France in June. Copies were located at higher HQs but are not attached to […]