BGen. I. Johnston, CBE, DSO, CD (MID) medals

14 Medals: a) Distinguished Service Order with Bar; b) 1939-1945 Star; c) The Italy Star d) The France & Germany Star; e) Defence medal; f) Canadian Volunteer Service medal with Clasp; g) The 1939-1945 War medal with Mentioned in Dispatches Insignia; h) 1953 Coronation Medal; i) 1967 Centennial Medal; j) 1977 Jubilee Medal; k) Canadian […]

Capt. B.S. Eby MC Medals

6 medals a) Military Cross b) The 1939-1945 Star c) The Italy Star d) The France & Germany Star e) Canadian Volunteer Service Medal with bar f) The 1939-1945 War Medal

CSM B. McKissock Medals

6 medals a) The 1939-1945 Star b) The Italy Star c) The France & Germany Star d) The Defence Medal e) Canadian Volunteer Service Medal with Clasp f) The 1939-1945 War Medal