Board of Management of the Sergeants Mess 1914

An 11 inch (27.94 cm) by 14 inch (35.56 cm) black and white photograph of the Board of Management of the Sergeants Mess for the year 1914. Mounted in an ornate 26 inch (66.04 cm) by 30 inch (76.2 cm) wooden frame with bronzed laurel carvings. Back Row Left to Right Sgt. J.E.Phillips; Sgt. G.K.Chisholm; […]

D coy photo – 1940 – Frank Cullis

Aldershot England 1941 – photo of D coy ( 48th).  Duplicate of one on wall of hallway in museum  P 0062 Long scroll format 8″ x 30″  Black and white.

Pte Frank Collis – Photo

Portrait photo of Frank Collis –  July 1940 Black and white 2″ x 3.5″ On back written :This was taken in London when I was on my leave.  How do I look ? “

Eight Various Regimental Photos – WWI to 1961

134th Band photo WO and Sgt’s 2nd Battalion 1943 1961 CNE Warriors Day Award 2nd Place May 1945 Officers Rotary Apeldoorn East Photo 1945 WO’s Sgt’s 1937 Hank Italy 1944 Hand Colours Hiram Walker Regimental Prints