Massed Band Concert, CNE- Sept 19 1948

Program of Massed Band Concert , The New Grandstand, Canadian National Exhibition, Sunday September 19th, 1948, 8.15 P.M. Single folded white paper, 4 3/4″ x 6 3/4″. 12 pieces played by bands of Central Command

Service at Islington United Church – Oct. 17th

Program of church service held at Islington United Church of Canada. “Special service of Thanksgiving & Commemoration – 48th Highlanders’ Old Comrades Association. Service held in the evening at 7:30 PM. Single folded page 5 1/2″ x 8 1/2” . Islington United Church was the church of The Reverend Stewart East, MBE, MC. East was […]

Telegram from Princess Elizabeth- Dec 1948

Marconigram (telegram) from Elizabeth Colonel in Chief to The Officer Commanding, 48th Highlanders of Canada “Please convey to all ranks my best wishes for Christmas and the NewYear” Telegram from Malta Date is stamped Dec 24 1948

Telegram from HRH – Dec 25 1949

Telegram from Buckingham Palace from the Comptroller on behalf of HRH The Colonel in Chief to Lt Col M E George, thanking the regiment for their kind message and wishing a hearty Christmas and all good fortune in the coming year

Dinner Program February 19 1916, Toronto

Program of dinner held February 19th, 1916. Cover in light buff, 6 3/4″ x 10″, with 5 pages (10 sides) held in centre by red cord. Front cover has buck badge in silver with red insert and words “Dinner at Toronto 1916”. Inside pages list menu, Toasts, overseas serving officers of 15th, 92nd and 92nd […]

Minutes of Regimental Committee – 1937 to 1939

Six sets of minutes of Regimental Committee and one partial. a. signature page post Feb 39 re binding former orders b. 8 Feb 1939, 2 pages and 1 att re clothing c. 13 Sept 1938, 2 pages d. 27 April 1938, 2 pages e. 14 Mar 1938, 1 page and 1 att re Trust Fund […]