48th Sgts Dinner, Grace before meal.

– Documents The Grace Before Meat The Sergeants Mess 48th Highlanders of Canada “Ye how’rs, who mak mankind your care,”And dish them oot their bill of fare”, grant unto this assembled company o’three-stripe hyenas, lashins o’beef an acres o’pie, syned owre wi’ seailin’ bickers o’sma’ale, for them who want it; but oh! unto them wha, […]

48th Officers Dinner, Annual -1969 March 22

– Program Officer’s Annual Dinner 48th Highlanders of Canada Saturday, 22 March, 1969 7 P.M. Commanding Officer: LCol PAG Cameron, CD Toasts and Menu inside, Pipe Programme on reverse.

48th Officers Dinner, Annual-1968 March 23

– Program / Ticket Program Officer’s Annual Dinner 48th Highlanders of Canada Saturday, 23 March, 1968 7 p.m. Commanding Officer: Lt Col PAG Cameron, CD Toasts, Guest Speaker and Menu inside, Pipe Programme on reverse. Invitation The Commanding Officer of the 48th Highlanders of Canada and the President of the 48th Highlanders Officers’ Association request […]

48th Officers Dinner, Annual -1970 March 21

– Program Officer’s Annual Dinner 48th Highlanders of Canada Saturday, 21 March, 1970 7.30 p.m. Commanding Officer: LCol PAG Cameron, CD Toasts and Menu inside, Pipe Programme on reverse.

48th Officers Dinner, Annual-1973 March 10

– Program Officer’s Annual Dinner 48th Highlanders of Canada Saturday, 10 March, 1973.  7 p.m. Commanding Officer: LCol R L Read, CD Toasts and Menu inside and Pipe Programme on reverse.  

48th Officers Dinner, Annual-1971 April 3

– Program Officer’s Annual Dinner 48th Highlanders of Canada Saturday, 3 April 1971 1900 Hrs. Commanding Officer: LCol R.L. Read, CD Toasts and Menu inside, Pipe Programme on reverse.

48th Officers Dinner, Annual-1972 March 11

– Program Officer’s Annual Dinner 48th Highlanders of Canada Saturday, 11 March 1972.  1900 Hrs. Commanding Officer: LCol R.L. Read, CD Toasts, Guest of Honour and Menu inside, Pipe Programme on reverse.  

48th Officers Dinner, Annual-1974 March 9

– Program 48th Highlanders of Canada Officer’s Annual Dinner Saturday, 9 March, 1974 7 p.m. Commanding Officer: LCol W C Stark, CD Toasts & Menu inside, Pipe Programme on Reverse

48th Officers Dinner, Annual-1978 April 8

– Program Officer’s Annual Dinner 48th Highlanders of Canada Saturday, 8 April 1978 1900 Hrs. Commanding Officer: LCol R.J. Simmons, CD Guest of Honour: Major General R.H. Rohmer DSC, O St.J. CD, QC, LLG. Toasts, Company Marches & Menu Inside, Pipe Programme on Reverse.