48th Sgts Dinner, Annual-1952 Oct 18

– Program Warrant Officers and Sergeants 48th Highlanders of Canada Annual Dinner Saturday, October the Eighteenth, nineteen hundred and fifty-two. Toasts, Guest Speaker and Menu inside, Board of Management -1952, and Committee on reverse. Guest Speaker: Lt.-Col. J.R.O. Counsell, D.S.O.  

48th Sgts Dinner, Diamond Jubilee -1951 Oct 20

– Menu Warrant Officers and Sergeants 48th Highlanders of Canada Diamond Jubilee Dinner 1891-1951 Saturday, October 20, 1951 Toasts, Guest Speaker and Menu inside and Board of Management and Committee on reverse. Guest Speaker Hon. Capt. Ross K. Cameron

48th Officers Dinner, Annual-1979 April 28

– Program Officer’s Annual Dinner 48th Highlanders of Canada Saturday, 28 April 1979, 1900 Hrs. Commanding Officer: LCol R.J. Simmons, CD Toasts, Company Marches and Menu inside, Pipe Program on reverse.

48th Sgts Dinner, Reunion Banquet-1945 Nov 3

– Ticket The Warrant Officers and Sergeants of the Second Reserve Battalion 48th Highlanders of Canada request the pleasure of your company at their Reunion Banquet in honour of the Warrant Officers, Staff Sergeants and Sergeants of the First Battalion returned from active service to be held in the Deport Sergeants’ Mess, north-east corner of […]

48th Sgts Dinner-1911 March 10

– Program 48th Regiment Highlanders Sergeants Mess Annual Dinner Held at the Walker House Chairman Sergt Major J.W. Kirkness, W.O. March the tenth nineteen hundred and eleven. Menu and Toasts inside insert. Dinner Committee and Artists on reverse side of insert. Autographs on reverse of program.

48th Sgts Dinner-1919 May 13

– Program 48th Regiment Highlanders Sergeants Mess Complimentary Dinner Carls-Rite Hotel Sergt. Major J.W. Kirkness, W.O. Chairman May the thirteenth nineteen hundred and nineteen Men and Toasts on inside of paper insert, and The Battle Record on reverse of paper insert.

48th Sgts Dinner, Grace before meal.

– Documents The Grace Before Meat The Sergeants Mess 48th Highlanders of Canada “Ye how’rs, who mak mankind your care,”And dish them oot their bill of fare”, grant unto this assembled company o’three-stripe hyenas, lashins o’beef an acres o’pie, syned owre wi’ seailin’ bickers o’sma’ale, for them who want it; but oh! unto them wha, […]

48th Officers Dinner, Annual-1984 April 7

– Program Officers’ Annual Dinner Saturday, 7 April 1984 Guest of Honour: Major General WC Leonard MBE, CD The Black Watch (RHR) of Canada Toasts and Menu inside, Pipe Selections and Company Marches on reverse.

48th Sgts Dinner -1928 April 14

– Program 48th Highlanders Sergeants Mess Complimentary Dinner to Lt. Col. K.R. Marshall, C.M.G., D.S.O., A.D.C., V.D. April 14th, 1928 held in “D” Lecture Room Armouries Poem on outside of paper insert, Menu and Toasts inside, committee on reverse of paper insert.