Christmas card from Sgt’s Mess – Dec 1937

– Cards Christmas card to Dr.-Mjr. A.E. Armstrong 98 Howard Park Ave., Toronto, On 48th Highlanders of Canada Allied with Gordons A Merry Christmas and a Guid New Year At Home New Year’s Day from 10 a.m. to 12 noon 48th Highlanders Sergeant’s Mess Photo of Lt.-Col. G. H. McLaren V.D. Commanding Officer April 1928 […]

48th OCA Annual Memorial Dinner-85-88?

– Menu O.C.A. Memorial Dinner 48th Highlanders of Canada Toasts and menu inside, Memorial Dinner Committee on reverse. Guest Speaker, CWO W. Elms, MMM, CD

134th Bn (48th Highlanders) Sgt’s St. Andrew’s Dinner -1917 Nov 29

– Menu 48th Highlanders of Canada St. Andrew’s Dinner Given by the Warrant Officers, Staff-Sergeants and Sergeants of the 134th Canadian In. Battn. (48th Highlanders) St. Andrew’s Eve., Twenty-ninth November, 1917 Witley Camp, Surrey, England Property of Eddy ? Toast and Menu on inside of insert, autographs inside. Board of Management on back of insert.

Mess Dinner for MGen Constatine-1943 Sept 10

– Program Reserve Army Military District No.2 Mess Dinner to Major-General C.F. Constantine, D.S.O. Crystal Ballroom King Edward Hotel Friday, 10 September, 1943 Menu and Picture of MGen. Constantine inside, Reserve Army Units, Military District No.2. on reverse of Program

15th Militia Group Mess Dinner-1963

– Program 15 Militia Group Mess Dinner Old Fort York Saturday, September Twenty-First Nineteen hundred and sixty-three Programme and Menu inside, and 15 Militia Group Commander and COs on reverse.

Directors Lunch CNE-1966 Aug 20

Program Directors’ Luncheon Canadian National Exhibition, 88th Year 1966 Saturday, August 20th, 1966 Biography on Guest of Honour, Brigadier Ian S. Johnston, C.B.E., D.S.O., E.D., Q.C. and Menu inside, Officers for 1966 Committee on reverse.

Christmas Card – 1924 Dec 25th

– Cards 48th Highlanders of Canada Allied with the Gordon Highlanders Wishing You a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Toronto, December 25th, 1924 Insert – Picture of The Unveiling of the 48th Highlanders of Canada War Memorial, by Lord Byng of Vimy, Armistice Day, Toronto, Sunday, November 11th, 1923

48th Cadet 1st Annual Dinner-1947 Feb 13

– Program 48th Highlanders’ Cadet Corps The Officer Commanding, Officers and Warrant Officers of the 48th Highlanders’ Cadet Corps Request the presence of……….. at the First Annual Dinner 48th Memorial Hall 519 Church Street February the Fifteenth, Nineteen Hundred and Forty-seven at Seven-Thirty p.m. R.S.V.P.-Lieut. J. Cowan 40 Highcroft Road Dress-Optional

Imperial Officers Association Annual Dinner- 1975 N

– Program Imperial Officers’ Association of Canada Annual Dinner Friday, November 7th, 1975 The Officers’ Mess The Queens Own Rifles of Canada and The Officers’ Mess Toronto Militia District H.Q. Programme and Menu inside, The Executive Committee and Members on reverse. Guest of Honour – Colonel S.F. Andrunyk C.D.  

48th OCA Annual Memorial Dinner ?

– Menu O.C.A. [Old Comrades Association] Memorial Dinner 48th Highlanders of Canada Toasts and Menu inside, Memorial Dinner Committee on reverse Guest Speaker: Lt. L. Cassaday