Letter, King George VI -1945 – to troops returning home

Letter to the Regiment – Documents Buckingham Palace The Queen and I wish you God-speed, and a safe return to your homes and dear ones. A grateful Mother Country is proud of your splendid services characterized by unsurpassed devotion and courage. George R.I.

Letter, D.M. Robertson, June 9-1891

Formation of 48th. – Documents Letter from D.M. Robertson, Rec. Secretary, protem Toronto, June 9th, 1891 Dear Sir, You are respectfully requested to attend a meeting of Scotchmen, to be held in the Queen’s Hotel, on Friday evening, 10th inst., to promote the interests of the Scottish Regiment now in process of organization in this […]

Reminder letter from F. Wyld, April 19, 1892 re subscription for equipment

Fundraising for the 48th. – Documents The Citizen’s Committee for the purpose of raising funds to assist in the purchase of the necessary equipment for the 48th Highlanders. Toronto, 19th April, 1892 Dear Sir, Your Committee desire to remind you that the obligations referred to in las circular are now pressing. The uniforms having been […]

1 Gulden Netherlands-Oct 1938

– Documents Serie CE No. 567393 Zilverbon Groot een Gulden De Nederlandsche Bank aan alte Rijkskantoren Geregistreed 1 October 1938 Signed by de Agent van hert Ministerie van Financien and De Minister van Financien on back is coat of arms

100 Francs, Banque de France- 1938

– Documents Banque de France 1482877217 Cent Francs Payables en Espices, A Vue, Au Porteur A.Z. – 1938.AZ. Le Caissier Gal    Le Secretaire Gal signed C.59316  217 Farm workers on front on back France Banc 100FR workers

2.50 Gulden, Netherlands-1938

– Documents 2.50 Gulden Zilverbon Serie AP No 387327 1 October 1938 Signed by De Agent van het Ministerie van Fiancien and Minister Reverse side Koninkrijk der Nederlanden Wettig Betaalmiddel

Pipes and Drums Christmas Card, 1943

– Cards Dileas Gu Brath Pipes and Drums With Best Wishes for Christmas and the New Year Photo of Pipes & Drums, 1st Bn., 48th Highlanders of Canada, Campobasso, Italy 1943 inside card.

100 Lire Banco D’Italia, 1931-1937

– Documents: This bank note was brought or sent back from Italy by a member of the 1st Battalion 48th Highlanders of Canada while in Italy in 1943 and 1944. Banca D’Italia Lire-Cento Faga Vista Ortatore Decre. Min. 13 Marzo 1937 – Anno XV – E5 Ottobre 1931- Ann0 1X 100 Lire T12- 1245 G. […]