Letter, King George VI -1945 – to troops returning home

Letter to the Regiment – Documents Buckingham Palace The Queen and I wish you God-speed, and a safe return to your homes and dear ones. A grateful Mother Country is proud of your splendid services characterized by unsurpassed devotion and courage. George R.I.

Letter from Her Majesty upon Presentation of Colours – 1 July 1959

Letter from Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, Colonel-in-Chief on the Presentation of New Colours on 01 July 1959. The letter is on Her Majesty’s personal stationary. The 48th Highlanders were one of three regiments for which Her Majesty, then Princess Elizabeth, accepted the position as Colonel-in-Chief in 1947. The Presentation of Colours, the third set […]

Letter from Her Majesty’s Private Secretary – Dec 28 1955

Response to Sgt’s Mess Christmas Card – Cards Buckingham Palace   The Private Secretary presents his compliments to the Officer Commanding 48th Highlanders of Canada and is commanded by The Queen to ask him kindly to thank the Regimental Sergeant Major, Warrant Officers and Sergeants for their good wishes for Christmas and the New Year. […]

Letter from Her Majesty’s Private Secretary, Dec 18, 1957

– Cards Letter from Buckingham Palace The Private Secretary presents his compliments to the Officer Commanding 48th Highlanders of Canada and is commanded by The Queen to ask him kindly to thank the Regimental Sergeant-Major, Warrant Officers and Sergeants for their good wishes for Christmas and the New Year.   18th December 1957 R. Gill […]

Mother’s Cross, Card from Minister of Defence

This card, signed by the Minister of Militia & Defence accompanied the silver Mother’s Cross given with Medals to those who died in WWI – Cards Canada This cross is presented to you in memory of one who in the Great War died for King and Country. H. Guthrie Minister of Militia & Defence

48th promissory note for funds-1891

Towards formation of Regiment – Documents 48th Highlanders We, the Undersigned Patrons, do each of us severally, for ourselves respectively, in consideration of the promises and agreement hereinafter contained on the part of the others of us respectively, and the promise made by Sir David L. Macpherson by his signature hereto, covenant, promise and agree […]

Letter from Edward Ford, Courtier to Her Majesty, June 29, 1959

Thanking for CNE Trooping – Cards – The Royal Yacht Britannia was docked in Toronto Harbour. On 29 June 1959 the 48th Highlanders Trooped the Colour at the CNE stadium. Two days later, on 1 July, in Ottawa, Her Majesty would present a new stand of Colours to the 48th Highlanders of Canada. Her Majesty, […]

Letter from F. Wyld, March 14, 1892 re promised subscriptions for equipment

– Documents The Citizens’ Committee for the purpose of raising funds to assist in the purchase of the necessary equipment for the 48th Highlanders. Toronto, 14th March, 1892 Dear Sir, The Citizens’ Committee beg to advise you that the Regiment has been gazetted. Relying on the assurance from subscribers and those favorable to the formation […]