Letterhead, 48th Highlanders

Blank – Documents Blank 48th Highlanders Letterhead with the regiment’s “lozenge” badge in the top centre. University Avenue Armouries Toronto, Ontario The lozenge badge was introduced in 1939. The regiment returned to the use of the original  Buckle Badge in 1991. University Avenue Armouries was demolished by the City of Toronto in 1963.

Letter, Enclosed with Medal of Sgt Walker-1921

Regt. #27698. – Documents I am directed, by the Honourable the Minister of Militia and Defence, to convey to you the enclosed medal for the deceased officer or soldier whose name is engraved thereon, and to express to you the regrets of the Militia Council that he did not live to wear this award. Major-General, […]

Letter from Brig Haldenby to M.F. Newman-1944 Sept 29

– Documents: This letter is to Maitland Newman, veteran of the 15th Battalion (48th Highlanders) in WWI. Newman was in Toronto at the time of this letter and was working with Regimental Associations and the Home Battalion to provide items to the 1st Battalion 48th Highlanders overseas. The letter is from Brigadier Eric Haldenby who […]

Certificates issued with War Service Badge-1918 Apr

During the First World War, soldiers who  served in the military were given a badge to be worn on the lapel of civilian dress. either while they remained in the military and were wearing civilian dress or had been discharged.  This practice was necessary as many in the public, upon seeing a seemingly fit male […]

Paybook, Sgt W. Walker 1914 Sept 22

Regt. #27698. – Documents Wm Walker Sergt. F. Coy 48th Highlanders Pay Book for use on Active Service Regiment or Corps. 48th Highlanders Squadron, Battery, or Company F Co Page 2 No. 27698 Rank Sergt. Name in Full William Walker Date of Attestation 22nd September 1914 Religious Persuasion Presbyterian If serving in a unit of […]

Death Certificate, Sgt Walker-1916 May 25

Regt. #27698. – Documents MJD Adjutant General’s Office Militia Headquarters Ottawa, Canada Certificate of Death Certified that No. 27698 Sergeant William Walker, 15th Overseas Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, has been officially reported as missing between the 24th and 29th of April, 1915, and that, after full enquiry made, no information has come to hand which […]

Scroll Commemorates Sacrifice – Sgt Walker, W. 15th Bn

Regt. #27698. – Documents Scroll Kings Coat of Arms He whom this scroll commemorates was numbered among those who, at the call of King and Country, left all that was dear to them, endured hardness, faced danger, and finally passed out of the sight of men by the path of duty and self-sacrifice, giving up […]

Furlough document for Pte D. Anderson-1915 June 8

Regt. #24299. – Documents No. ______ Regiment 48th Canadian Highlanders Furlough No. 27299 (Rank) Pte (Name) Anderson D.S. has permission to be absent from his quarters from June 8 to tattoo on June 15 and leave to proceed to Sk. Montrose No advance is to be made to him on any account without previous reference […]

Telegram, Report Sgt W. Walker Missing – delivered June 16, 1915

Regt. #27698. – Documents Great North Western Telegraph Company of Canada Cable Service to All The World. Received at Main Office, Scott and Wellington Streets, Toronto, Ont. Telephone Main 5420. b 22byes 41 5 ex deliver in am and report Ottawa Ont June 16th15                        […]

Letter, Canadian Red Cross on Sgt Walker-1915 Aug

Regt. #27698. – Documents Canadian Red Cross Society, Commissioner’s Office, 14/16 Cockspur Street, London, S.W.   Telephone Gerrard 2118 Telegrams ELJADCO, LONDON  Information Department  3rd August 1915.   Dear Madam, I beg to send you the following Searcher’s report concerning Sergt. W. Walker, 27678, which we have received from the British Red Cross Society:   […]