48th Officers Breakfast, New Years

– Cards 48th Highlanders of Canada To Associate Members of the Officers Mess– The usual Breakfast will be served in the Mess on New Year’s morning, between Nine-thirty and Eleven o’clock. The Mess Committee. It was the practice of the Officers’ Mess to hold a breakfast on New Year’s morning, prior to the traditional Levee […]

48th Sgts Penny Postcard Calendar, May 1962

– Cards 48th Highlanders Dileas Gu Brath Sergeants Mess Allied with The Gordon Highlanders May Calendar Mess Meeting Tues 15 May 62 2100 hrs Ladies Night Sat 19 May 62 Dress Blazers RCR Troop Mon 26 May 62 Limited accommodation for Continuing Members Details available through Secretary Garrison Church Parade Sun 27 May 62 Sgt […]

48th Sgts Penny Postcard Calendar, Oct.-1962

– Cards 48th Highlanders Dileas Gu Brath Sergeants Mess Allied with The Gordon Highlanders October Calendar Board Meeting Tues 2 Oct 62 2100 hrs Annual Church Parade Sun 14 Oct 62 Following the parade the mess will be open to members and their families Mess Meeting Tues 16 Oct 62 2100 hrs Post amp Dinner […]

48th Sgts Penny Postcard Calendar, Sept-1962

– Cards 48th Highlanders Dileas Gu Brath Sergeants Mess Allied with The Gordon Highlanders September Calendar Board Meeting Tues 4 Sep 62 2000 hrs RM’s Parade Fri 7 Sep 62 2000 hrs Normal Parade Dress Captain Archie Macgregor Rifle Club Dance Sat 15 Sep 62 2030 hrs at the club Mufti $1.00 Per Person Mess […]

Postcard re 48th Officers Mess Spring Drill Season -1924

– Cards 48th Highlanders Officers’ Mess Programme for Spring Drill Season 1924 The following series of short lectures will be delivered in the Mess Room, Friday nights, after the regular parades:- Friday, April 25 – ”  a Padre with the Tanks” Capt. the Rev. Stewart Parker Friday, May 2 – “Sidelights on the Life of […]

Postcard re 48th Officers Mess Fall Drill Season-1924

– Cards 48th Highlanders Officers Mess Programme for Fall Drill Season 1924 The following programme has been arranged:- Friday, Sept. 19th – “Opening Night” Friday, Sept. 26th – “Initiation of New Subalterns” Friday, Oct. 3rd – “Bombs and Bombing” Lieut. S.H. Crawford Friday, Oct. 10th – “Certain Scottish Regimental Traditions” Lieut.-Col. A. Fraser Friday, Oct. […]

48th Officers Assoc. Calendar, Oct-June 1960 -1961

– Cards Officers Association 48th Highlanders of Canada Calendar of Events October 1960-June 1961 on Reverse 1960 October 15 – Annual Officers Gold Tournament Tam O’Shanter Golf Club Oct 16 – Regimental Church Parade 11.00 a.m. – St. Andrew’s Church October 18 – 1st Bn. 1939-1945 Officers- 5.30 p.m. – Officers Mess – Drinks and […]

Postcard to 48th Officers re visit to Argyles – March 21, 1931

– Cards To The Officers of the Active Battalion March 1931 The Officers of the Argyle and Sutherland Highlanders of Hamilton, have invited our Officers to pay them a visit on Saturday, March the 21st next. Our Baseball Team is to play theirs at six p.m. and the game will be followed by dinner in […]

Postcard notice re Parade, April 10,1931

48th Highlanders of Canada The Regiment will parade at the University Avenue Armouries on Friday, April 10th, 1931, at 8.15 P.M. and every Friday thereafter at the same time and place until further notice. Dress:-Service Orer with Kilt. W.W. Southam, Capt. Adj.

48th Sgts Penny Postcard Calendar, June 1962

– Cards 48th Highlanders Dileas Gu Brath Sergeants Mess Allied with The Gordon Highlanders Massed Band Concert Sun 3 Jun 62 CNE Grandstand Tickets available Through the Mess or the armouries at 507 College Street Board Meeting Fri 5 Jun 62 2100 hrs Pay Parade Fri 15 Jun 62 2000 hrs Ladies Night Sat 16 […]