48th C Coy Annual Banquet, 1922-1922 Nov 10

– Program 48th Highlanders “C” Company Major G.H. McLaren, O.C. Annual Banquet Friday, November 10th, 1922 Held at Carls-Rite Hotel, Toronto Menu and Toast Inside Reverse No. 3 Company Jaor G.H. McLaren Officer Commanding Capt. F.J. Smith 2nd in Command Lieut. E.C. Gordon, M.C. No. 9 Platoon Capt. K.B. McLaren No. 10 Platoon Lieut. W. […]

48th B Coy Annual Dinner -1923 Dec 5

– Program Annual Dinner “B” Company 48th Highlanders of Canada Carl-Rite Hotel December 5th, 1923 Inside Menu and Toasts Reverse No. 2. Company Major W. Maybin, M.C., M.M. Officer Commanding Capt. and Bt. Major G.M. Alexander, M.C. 2nd in Command Lieut. G.M. Malone, M.C. No. 5 Platoon Lieut. and Bt. Capt. Hugh Donald No. 6 […]

48th Pipe Band Dinner & Dance -1951 Jan 20

– Program / Ticket 48th Highlanders of Canada Pipe Band Dinner and Dance War Amputations of Canada Club Saturday Evening, January Twentieth Nineteen Hundred and Fifty-One Inside Menu and Dance Programme Reverse We Hope to see you at our Annual Ball to be held at the Royal York Hotel Saturday Evening, February 24th, 1951 2. […]

48th C Coy Annual Banquet – 1923 Nov 16

– Program 48th Highlanders “C” Company Major G.H. McLaren, O.C. Annual Banquet Friday November Sixteenth, Nineteen-Twenty-Three Carls-Rite Hotel Inside Menu and Toasts Reverse No. 3 Company Major. G.H. McLaren Officer Commanding Capt. F.J. Smith 2nd in Command Lieut. E.C. Gordon, M.C. N0. 9 Platoon Capt. K.B. McLaren No. 10 Platoon Lieut. W. Barclay No. 11 […]

48th Officers Dinner, 1944 June 23

– Program Mess Dinner Held in Honour of Brigadier Ian. S. Johnston, DSO,ED Piedmonte, Italy 23 June, 1944 Page 2 48th Highlanders of Canada Officers in the Field Major D.A. MacKenzie, C.O. Major D.W. Banton, 2 i/c Capt. B.S. Eby, MC. Adjt              H/Capt H. MacLean, Padre Lt      […]

92nd Officers Dinner, 1920 Nov 30

3rd Annual St. Andrew’s Night – Program Third Annual Dinner Given to The Officers of the 92nds Battalion Highlanders and some friends by The Officers of the 92nd Battalion Highlanders St. Andrew’s Night Nov. 30th, 1920 “It will not Be the Last” As she might have been… Menu Liquor Food Liquor As She is Menu […]

48th Officers Dinner, 1939 Nov 28

For those going overseas – Program Silver and red cap badge and silver thistles on Front cover Page 1 Dinner Tendered by the Officers Mess of the 48th Highlanders of Canada To those of its members who are proceeding on active service Lt.-Col., J.H. Chipman, M.C., V.D. Chairman National Club November 28th, 1939 Page 2 […]

General Railway Warrant-1944

– Documents Front ARMEE BRITANNIQUE BON DE CHMIN DE FER GENERAL RAILWAY WARRANT  Army Book 494A Pour le Transport a Executer par train  989e For the movement by Bar Belle train. De………………… From Barletta………………..  to Benevento Avelli Par…………………d’un Detachement  Coomande par……… Via ………………..of a party.       Under the command of Self Officiers Officers Hommes […]

Telegram, Col-in-Chief, Birthday Message -1949

– Documents A Social Telegram via Canadian Pacific RAA51 32 !MP 1949 Apr 21 AM 8 49 Buckingham Palace London 21 1055 NLT Commanding Officer 48th Highlanders of Canada Toronto Ont I was delighted by the birthday message I received from the 48th Highlanders of Canada and send all ranks my sincere thanks. Elizabeth Colonel […]

Letter, Clasps toCanadian Efficiency Medal, Pte Grant-1944 and 1945

– Documents Quote no. 405-G-11165 51-G-132 (Records 3)   Department of National Defence Army Ottawa, Canada 5 Sept 1945 R.A. Grant, Esq., 107 Pritchard Ave., Toronto, Ont.   2Nd Clasp The Canadian Efficiency Medal Dear Sir:- Enclosed herewith the marginally noted clasp awarded under authority of GO 290 of 1945 in respect of your service […]