Formal Invitation to 48th Cadet Corps Inspection-1976 May 28

– Program Invitation The Commanding Officer, Instructors and Cadets of the 48th Highlanders of Canada Cadet Corps request the pleasure of your presence at their Annual Inspection by Lieutenant Colonel R.J. Simmons CD Commanding Officer of the 48th Highlanders of Canada Moss Park Armoury, Toronto Friday, May 28th, 1976 at 8:15 p.m. R.S.V.P. 48th Highlanders […]

48th Service, London, Ontario -1926 Aug 1

– Program 48th Highlanders Parade Service Sunday, Aug. 1, 1926 10 a.m. Commemorating Centenary of London, Ontario Lieut. Col. K.R. Marshall, C.M.G. D.S.O. Commanding Reverse Band Prelude  Hymn – Onward Christian Soldiers  Prayer  Scripture Lesson – Psalm 46 Prayer 6. Praise – Hymn. Fight the Good Fight Address – Major The Rev. T. Crawford Brown, […]

48th Church Parade, St. Andrew’s Church-1967 Nov 5

– Program 48th Highlanders of Canada Service of Remembrance at the Regimental Memorial Sunday, November 5, 1967 at 3 p.m. Lt. Col. P.A.G. Cameron, C.D., Commanding Officer Captain A.C.G. Muir, Chaplain Reverse Order of Service Prelude Regimental Military Band Psalm Paraphrase “O God Our Help” Lesson: Psalm 124 St. John 15:0, 13-16 Prayers Address Hymn […]

48th Service at Monument -1929 Nov 10

– Program 48th Highlanders of Canada Service at the Regimental Memorial Sunday, November 10th, 1929, at 3 P.M. Lieut.-Col. George H. McLaren, V.D., Commanding (Chaplain: Capt. Stuart C. Parker) Order of Service Preludium 2. Hymn – “O God, Our Help in Ages Past.” 3. Lesson Hymn – “O Vallant Hearts.” The Last Post The Lament. […]

48th Cadet Corps, Inspection-1947 June 6

– Program Annual Inspection of the 48th Highlanders’ Cadet Corps Friday, June 6, 1947 at 2030 hours University Avenue Armouries Lieut.-W.W.G. Darling, D.S.O., E.D. Major G.W. Beal., M.C., D.C.O. M.D. @ Programme Receiving Inspecting Officer Inspection and March Past Pipe Band –Cadet Pipe-Major Falconer Platoon Competition — Bugle Band– Bugle Major Back Demonstrations———Bren Gun – […]

48th Church Parade, St. Andrew’s Church-1953 May 1

– Program 48th Highlanders of Canada Church Parade Sunday, May 10th, 1953, at 3 p.m. St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church Toronto Lt.-Col. G.A. Fraser, Commanding Chaplain: Hon. Capt. The Re. Ross K. Cameron, M.A. Minister of St. Andrew’s Church: Hon. Col. The Rev. Paul Stirling, B.D. Reverse Order of Service

48th Church Parade, St. Andrew’s Church -1899 Oct 5

– Program 48th Highlanders Church Parade Sunday Afternoon October 15th, 189 St. Andrews Church The Musical Portion of the Service will be rendered by the Band of the 48th Highlanders Inside Order of Divine Service Processional Voluntary Pipe Band Call to Worship and Prayer Psalm C Prayer Old Testament Lesson Hymn 90 New Testament Lesson […]

48th Church Parade, St. Andrew’s Church-1937 May 2

– Program 48th Highlanders of Canada Lt. Col. M. Alexander, M.C., V.D., Commanding Church Parade May 2nd, 1937 St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church Toronto Officiating Chaplain: Hon. Maj. Rev. Stuart C. Parker, D.D. Order of Service on reverse