48th Pipe Annual Dance-1947 Feb 8

– Program Front Dance Program 48th Highlanders of Canada Annual Pipe Band Dance Concert Hall Royal York Hotel Saturday February 8th, 1947 Reverse Extras Fox Trot, Waltz Grand March and Circassian Circle – Pipes Fox Trot, Quadrilles, Progressive Barn Dance (Ladies Prize), Military Two Step (Navy), Valetta Waltz, Dashing  White Sergeant – Pipes, Fox Trot […]

48th Pipe Dinner & Dance-1947 Oct 25

– Program Front 48th Highlanders Pipe Band Dinner and Dance University Armouries, Saturday, October 25th, 1947 Reverse Menu Fruit Cocktail, Baked Ham, Sweet Potato, Creamed Potatoes, Buttered peas, Biscuits and Cheese, Rolls-brown and white , Pumpkin Pie, Tea and Coffee Dance Program Extra waltz, Fox Trot, 1. Grand March Cirassian Circle, 2. Fox Trot, 3. […]

Toronto Garrison Church Parade-1950 June 4

– Program Garrison Church Parade (Protestant) Toronto Garrison Order of Service Sunday, 4 June, 1950 1500 Hours Front Campus University of Toronto Order of Service (on reverse) O Canada  Opening Sentences – H/Major J.W. Forth, M.B.E.   Command Chaplain (P) Central Command Hymn – Mine eyes have seen the glory General Confession Prayer for Pardon – […]

48th Pipe Dinner and Dance -1948 Jan 23

– Program 48th Highlanders of Canada Allied with the Gordon Highlanders Annual Pipe Band Dance Banquet Hall, Royal York Hotel, Friday, January 23rd, 1948 Reverse Exrtas Fox Trot, Waltz Grand March and Circassian Circle (Pipes) Fox Trot, Quadrilles, Progressive Barn Dance, Military Two Step, Eightsome Reel, Waltz Veletta, Dashing White Sergeant (Pipes), Strauss Waltz Intermission […]

Letter, 48th from 2nd (hants) Motor Company

– Documents 2nd (Hants) Motor Company A.T.S., Clock Tower Building, Clayton Barracks, Aldershot, The 2nd (Hants) Motor Company accept with pleasure the kind invitation of the 48th Highlanders of Canada, to their dance in the Corporals’ Mess, Corunna Barracks, on Monday April 29th. It is hoped twelve members will be able to attend.

Toronto Garrison Church Parade-1954 May 30

– Program Order of Service (Protestant) Toronto Garrison Church Parade Sunday – 30 May, 1954 Conducted by The Chaplains (P) of The Active and Reserve Forces Sunday, 30 May, 1954 1500 Hours (3 p.m.) Front Campus University of Toronto Reverse O Canada A Call to Worship – Captain J.P. Gordon Area Chaplain (P), Cent. Ont. […]

48th Church Parade, St. Andrew’s Church-1955 May 8

– Program 48th Highlanders of Canada Church Parade Sunday, May 8, 1955, at 3 p.m. St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church Toronto Lt.-Col. H.K. MacIntosh, M.B.E. Commanding Chaplain: Hon. Capt. The Rev. Ross K. Cameron, M.A. Honourary Chaplain and Minister of St. Andrew’s Church: Hon .Col. The Rev. Paul Stirling, B.D. Reverse Order of Service

Formal Invitation to 48th Cadet Corps Inspection-1976 May 28

– Program Invitation The Commanding Officer, Instructors and Cadets of the 48th Highlanders of Canada Cadet Corps request the pleasure of your presence at their Annual Inspection by Lieutenant Colonel R.J. Simmons CD Commanding Officer of the 48th Highlanders of Canada Moss Park Armoury, Toronto Friday, May 28th, 1976 at 8:15 p.m. R.S.V.P. 48th Highlanders […]

48th Service, London, Ontario -1926 Aug 1

– Program 48th Highlanders Parade Service Sunday, Aug. 1, 1926 10 a.m. Commemorating Centenary of London, Ontario Lieut. Col. K.R. Marshall, C.M.G. D.S.O. Commanding Reverse Band Prelude  Hymn – Onward Christian Soldiers  Prayer  Scripture Lesson – Psalm 46 Prayer 6. Praise – Hymn. Fight the Good Fight Address – Major The Rev. T. Crawford Brown, […]