48th F Coy Theatre Party, Dinner-1910 March 4

– Invitations The Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers and Members F. Company, 48th Regiment, Highlanders request the pleasure of your presence at a Theater Party at Shea’s and Supper afterwards on Friday Evening, March 4th, 1910 Parading at the Company Armoury at 7.30 p.m. Dress: Review Order with Kilt or Trews. An answer is srequested to Capt. […]

48th A Coy Annual Presentation of Prizes -1910 Nov

– Invitations The honour of your presence is requested at the Annual Presentation of Prizes of “A” Company, 48th Highlanders on Friday Evening, November 25th, 1910, at 8 o’clock in the Lecture Room, Armouries Toronto A.R. MacGregor, Captain L. Corp’l Simpson, Sec’y Rifle Committee

48th Sgt Mess “At Home”, 1920 -1920 Jan 1

– Cards 48th Highlanders Sergeants Mess The Warrant Officers, Staff Sergeants and Sergeants of the 48th Highlanders “At Home” New Year’s Day, January 1st, 1920 Armouries 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

48th Re-union Dinner -1951 May 26

– Ticket Diamond Jubilee Re-union 1891-1951 Admit one to re-union dinner Saturday, May 26th, 1951 – 7:30 p.m. University Ave. Armouries Enter by South or West Door

The Hugh Murry Lodge, Military Night-1929 Sept 17

– Program The Hugh Murray Lodge Regular Meeting The Third Tuesday Military Night P.L.A.&S.H. Highlanders Hamilton by 48th Highlanders, Toronto Sept. 17th, 1929 Mor. Bro. M.E. Baseman Worshipful Master Inside M.W. Bro. R.B. Dargavel – Grand Master Toronto, Ont. R.W. Bro. W.S. Herrington Deputy Grand Master Napanee, Ont. R.W. Bro. W.J. Stutt D.D.G.M. Hamilton District […]

48th Officers Mess “At Home” -1932 May 8

– Cards The Officer Commanding and Officers The Forty-eighth Highlanders of Canada AT HOME in the Officers’ Mess, The Armouries Sunday Afternoon May 8th, 1932 5 o’clock p.m.

48th C Coy Smoker March 31

– Cards “C” Company 48th Highlanders The Company will hold a Smoker in “A” Lecture Room, Armouries on Friday, March 31st. Everybody to be on hand at 8.00 p.m. sharp. Remember your Platoon needs a few recruits, so bring them along and get them signed up that night. Good Entertainment. Pictures of the Regiment at […]

48th F Coy, Banquet Songs

– Documents 48th Highlanders “F” Company Banquet Songs For It’s Always Fair Weather, Row, Row, Row, Mary Ate Some Oysters, I want a Girl, Call Around Any Old Time, Oh You Beautiful Doll, The Boys of The Old Brigade, My Wild Irish Rose, I’ve Forgot The Number of My House, That Old Girl of Mine, […]

48th Regimental Marching Songs

Two documents – Documents Regimental Marching Songs Black Cap Badge on Cover Songs, John MacKay The Weddin O* Candy MacNab, Rob Roy MacIntosh, Tenting on the Old Camp Ground, The Soldiers Farwell, Annie Laurie, The Bonnie Banks O’ Lock Lomon, A High Old Time in Dixie, My Love is Like the Red, Red Rose, Bonnie […]

Canadian Army Reserve Force, Massed Band – 1952

– Program Massed Bands by Kind Permission of The Officers Commanding Canadian Army Reserve Force Massed Band Concert C.N.E. Grandstand, Toronto By Toronto-Hamilton Georgetown-Brampton Oshawa-Guelph Reserve Force Units 14 September, 1951 Programme   Inside Cover of Massed Band Concert Canadian National Exhibition Grandstand Sunday, 14 September, 1952 at 8.30 p.m. Programme and General Musical Direction: Capt. […]