Regimental Church Parade – Sunday, April 22, 1918

Program Regimental Church Church Parade, Sunday, April 22, 1918-Fourth Sunday of Easter 48th Highlanders Regimental Church Parade Service 15 Page program  Special Service for Return of the Vimy Cross Card for Program King and Country Card The 15th Battalion’s Vimy Cross Comes Home from the Front – Again, History

Program – Change of RSM, 27 October 2017-CWO D.H. Murphy, CD to CWO B.K. Kwok, CD

Programs and Invitations 48th Highlanders of Canada Change of Regimental Sergeant Major RSM D.H. Murphy, CD to RSM B.R. Kwok, CD 27 October 2017 Dileas Gu Brath, Faithful Forever Program of Events inside of Biographies of CWO (RSM) Derek Murphy, CD and CWO (RSM) Brian Kwok, CD Back of Program Biography of Reviewing Officer – […]

Christmas Greetings from the Sergeant Major and Sergeants 1914

A 3.25 inch (8.26 cm) by 6 inch (15.24 cm) of Christmas Greetings from the Sergeant Major and Sergeants of 1914. BOARD OF MANAGEMENT President: Col. Sergt. J. H. THORNTON Sergt. Mbajor J. W, KIRENESS W.O. Vice President Treasurer : Scrgt. F. MITCHELL Treasurer: Sergt. F. PITTS Col Sergt. T. SANFORD Sergt. A. GREEN Sergt. […]

Service at War Memorial – 2009 Nov 08

48th Highlanders of Canada Remembrance Day Parade The Regimental Memorial, Queen’s Park 11:00 hrs, Sunday 8 November 2009 Commanding Officer: Lieutenant-Colonel J.M.C. McEwen, CD Regimental Chaplain: Captain (the Rev’d) G.E. Bailey Order of Service Inside and Back Page  

118th Warrant Officers and Sergeants Mess Dinner-03 October 2009

48th Highlanders of Canada Warrant Officers and Sergeant Mess 118th Annual Mess Dinner 03 October 2009 Menu and Dinner Program Inside Warrant Officer’s and Sergeants Mess Committee and Members on back Invitation on separate page The Warrant Officers and Sergeants of the 48th Highlanders of Canada Cordially invite you to our 118th Annual Mess Dinner […]