Change of RSM Alkema to McIntyre-2006 Nov 24

CWO Alkema to CWO McIntyre – Invitations The Honorary Colonel Officers and All Ranks of The 48th Highlanders of Canada Request the pleasure of your company at The Change of Regimental Sergeant Major from Chief Warrant Officer, R.A. Alkema, CD to Chief Warrant Officer, P.W.G. McIntyre, CD in the presence of Honourary Lieutenant-Colonel Beal To […]

Remembrance Dinner -2005 Nov. 05

OCA Remembrance Dinner – Program / Ticket Ticket 48th Highlanders of Canada Old Comrades Association Year of The WW2 Veteran Remembrance Day Dinner Saturday, November 5, 2005 York Reception Centre 1100 Millwood Road, Toronto Ticket No. 102 & 103 Program Remembrance Dinner Saturday November 5, 2005 Menu Program of Events, Honoured Guests, Head Table, 48th […]

Service of Remembrance – 2006 Nov.11

– Program 48th Highlanders of Canada Service of Remembrance The Regimental Memorial, Queen’s Park 11:00 hrs, Saturday 11 November 2006 Commanding Officer: Lieutenant-Colonel A.D.C. Paterson, CD Regimental Chaplain Captain (the Rev’d) G.E. Bailey Lest We Forget Reverse Side Order of Service Back Side Homily Hymn and Laying of Wreaths Fallen Comrades Last Post, Lament, Reveille […]

48th Highlanders of Canada Church Parade- 2005 May

and St. Andrew’s College Cadet Corps. – Program Front Cover Photo of St. Andrews Inside Order of Service LCol A.D.C. Paterson, CD Commanding Officer Sermon by Capt. The Rev. Greg Bailey, Chaplain, 48th Highlanders of Canada Inserts of hymns and Church Activities Back of Program More Church Activities and Directory

Land Forces Central Area Change of Command- 2005 Sept.

B Gen G. A. Young former 48th CO. – Invitations / Program Change of Command Ceremony Program Cover 8 September 2005 Central Command Badge Three two sided pages Covering Page Land Force Central Area Change of Command from Brigadier-General Greg Young, OMM, CD to Brigadier-General Guy Thibault, CD Reviewed by Lieutenant-General JHPM Caron, CMM, MSM, […]

Veteran’s Memorial Groundbreaking Ceremony -2005 Aug 17

48th CO Present – Invitations / Program Veteran’s Memorial Groundbreaking Ceremony August 17, 2005 1:00 p.m. Queen’s Park, Front Lawn Toronto, Ontario A memorial in honour of all individuals who have served in Canada’s armed forces in times of war and peace. With sincere thanks and appreciation to the following individuals and groups who participated […]

48th OCA 60th Anniversary End of WWII Celebration-Nov 2005

Invitation and Map to York Reception Centre – Invitations 48th Highlanders of Canada O.C.A. Details for 60th Anniversary of the end of the war in Europe It’s a weekend of Remembrance & Comradeship November 4,5,6 November 2005 Registration form and map for York Reception Centre

Remembrance Dinner, 2003- 2003 Nov 8

– Program Old Comrades Association 71 Underhill Drive Don Mills, Ontario, Canada M3A 2J8 Remembrance Day Dinner Saturday, November 8, 2003 Inside Program and Menu Reverse Lest we Forget  

Remembrance Day Dinner- 2004 Nov 6

– Program / Ticket Front Old Comrades Association Remembrance Day Dinner Saturday, November 6, 2004 Reverse Battle Honours of the 48th Highlanders of Canada Inside Program and Menu Ticket 48th Highlanders of Canada Old Comrades Association Annual Remembrance Day Dinner Saturday, November 6, 2004 York Reception Centre 1100 Millwood Road, Toronto Ticket No. 102