48th OCA Bulletin-1968 Nov

– Documents 48th Highlanders Association Bulletin O.C.A. News November, 1968 Meeting, Thursday , November 14th Information on meetings, News on meeting, Elections of Officers, Memorial Dinner, Guest speaker Maj.Gen. Dare, Remembrance Day Sun. Nov. 10th, Pub Night, Christmas Draw and Gala Musical Jamboree, Deaths. J.G. Smith (48th, 39r), Wm. Taylor (92nd), LCol  A.R. Ramsey (134th). […]

48th OCA Bulletin- 1967 Sept

– Documents 48th Highlanders Association Bulletin O.C.A. News September 1967 Meeting, Thursday , Sept 14th. Information on meetings, Colour Party news, Sports, Pachino-Reggio Nite, Golf, O.C.A. Guard Stag, 48th Centennial Ball At Moss Park, October 14th, Deaths James Ritchie (48th), Ernest A. Pay (15th), Henry Loose (48th-39r), Ernest N. Parkes (48th-39r), James D. MacBeth (48th), […]

48th OCA Bulletin- 1968 June

– Documents 48th Highlanders Association Bulletin O.C.A. News June 1968 Information on meetings, Golf Tournament, Father’s Day Dance, Kiddies Picnic, Musical Jamboree, Student Militia Info. Dues, Sick, Deaths Al Newlands (15th Bn), Ken O’Conners (’39 Reinforce). Warrior Day Parade, 48th OCA Ball, Oct 12/68. Old Comrades Association) Honorary President Brigadier Ian S. Johnston, C.B.E., D.S.O., […]

48th OCA Bulletin-1982 Jan

– Documents 48th Highlanders of Canada Old Comrades Association Officers 1981 President L. Trudelle       4123-7112 I.P.P.:           R.J. Harding      423-5668 Vice-Pres.:  S. Montgomery 497-3061 Secretary:    D. Chappell        421-3276 Treasurer:   C. Wier                491-3644 Marshall:     A. Knight    […]

48th OCA Bulletin- 1983 June

– Documents 48th Highlanders of Canada Old Comrades Association Officers 1983 President     J.C. Weir            491-3644 I.P.P.:           L. Trudell           423-7112 Vice-Pres.:  G. Outhwiate     259-6274 Secretary:    D. Chappell        421-3276 Treasurer:   C. Wear              […]

48th OCA Bulletin -1948 Apr 13

– Documents 48th Highlanders Old Comrades Association, Memorial Hall, 519 Church St. Toronto 5, Phone KL 4876 President  F.H.C. North JU. 4473  Treasurer J. Campbell-Tibb HO. 4395 Vice-President  S. Gledhill HU. 7424  Secretary Norm McAfee, MU 5005, Manager Chas. Padget KI 4876 Officers 1948 Back Side President, F.H.C. North 231 Laughton Avenue, JU. 4473 Vice-President […]

48th OCA Bulletin -1965 Apr, 1965

– Documents 48th Highlanders Association Bulletin O.C.A. News April, 1965 Meeting, Thursday April 8th, 1965 Information on meetings, dances, Life Members Dinner, Golf Tournament, Kiddies Picnic, Regimental Ball, Deaths, Bill Lockhart (Lord Strath Horse-15th Bn. -48th. 75th Reuion 1966 update. Looking for recruits, Capt. Day Recruiting Officer. Ladies Auxiliary News. (Old Comrades Association) Honorary President […]

48th OCA Bulletin- 1965 May 8th

– Documents 48th Highlanders Association Bulletin O.C.A. News May, 1965 Meeting, Thursday May 13, 1965 Information on meetings, Padre East received D.D. at Islington United Church on Sunday, May 9th. Information on Dart League, Sports Banquet, Membership cards, Kiddies Picnic. Members who have passed away, A.R. Turp (48th & 74th), Alec McKenzie (134 & 15th), […]

48th OCA Bulletin -1947 Oct – Nov

– Documents 48th Highlanders Old Comrades Association, Memorial Hall, 519 Church St. Toronto 5, Phone KL 4876 President J.F. Williams LL. 4520 Treasurer J. Campbell-Tibb HO. 4395 Vice-President J. Edmondson GL. 1472 Secretary Norm McAfee, MU 5005, Manager Chas. Padget KL 4876 Officers 1947 Back Side President, J.F. Williams 269 Westmoreland Avenue, LL. 4520 Vice-President […]

48th OCA Bulletin -1947 Nov – Dec

– Documents 48th Highlanders Old Comrades Association, Memorial Hall, 519 Church St. Toronto 5, Phone KL 4876 President J.F. Williams LL. 4520 Treasurer J. Campbell-Tibb HO. 4395 Vice-President J. Edmondson GL. 1472 Secretary Norm McAfee, MU 5005, Manager Chas. Padget KL 4876 Officers 1947 Back Side President, J.F. Williams 269 Westmoreland Avenue, LL. 4520 Vice-President […]