The Boer War

Series: Men At Arms Type: History -General -Military ISBN Number: 0 85045 257 0

Canada’s Sons on Kopje and Veldt by T.G. Marquis

Canada’s Sons on Kopje and Veldt: A Historical Account of the Canadian Contingents by T.G. Marquis. This book provides of Canada’s military participation in the South Africa war in the late 1800s to early 1900s. Type: History -Canadian -Military -Boer War

Canada and the South African War 1899-1902 by Carman Miller

Painting the Map Red: Canada and the South African War 1899-1902 by Carman Miller. This book examines the reason of Canada’s and Canadian soldiers participation in the Boer War from 1899 to 1902. Type: History -Canadian -Military -Boer War Notes: Historical Publication No. 28

Canada at War by Leslie Hannon

Canada at War: The Record of a Fighting People by Leslie F. Hannon. This book provides an overview with photographs of Canada’s military history, including the colonial times, early Canadian history, the World Wars and the Cold War periods. Type: History -Canadian -Military