The Regiment [Hasting and Prince Edward] by Mowat

The Regiment [Hasting and Prince Edward] by Farley Mowat. The book gives an overview of the Hastings and Prince Edward Regiment’s service during the Second World War, especially in UK, Sicily, Italy and Northwest Europe.

The Queen’s Own Cameron Highlanders of Canada by Tyler

The Lion Rampant: A Pictorial History of The Queen’s Own Cameron Highlanders of Canada 1910-1985 by G.C.A. Tyler. This book provides an overview of the Queen’s Own Cameron Highlanders of Canada from its formation to 1985 (its 75th anniversary). The book includes a lot of photographs of the Regiment.

The Queen’s York Rangers by Stewart Bull

The Queen’s York Rangers: An Historic Regiment by Stewart Bull. This book gives an account of the historic regiment of the Queen’s York Rangers, which origins start from Roger’s Rangers and the Queen’s Rangers during the Revolutionary War to the 1980s.

Ortona by Mark Zuehlke

Ortona: Canada’s Epic World War II Battle by Mark Zuehlke. This book provides the account of the Canadian army’s task of taking the Italian town of Ortona from the German army.

The Memoirs of General George Kitching

Mud and Green Fields: The Memoirs of General George Kitching (Canadians at War Series). This book is the memoirs of General George Kitching of his life and service in the Canadian Army, especially during the Second World War.

Regimental Orders 1914 – 1930

48th Highlander’s Regimental Orders 1914 – 1928 48th Highlander’s Regimental Orders 1914 – 1928 (Copy #2) 48th Highlander’s Regimental Orders 1921 – 1930 Regimental Orders Sept.2 – Nov.21 1914   All in bound book format

Regimental Orders – 1901 – 1939 – Individual Years

A Company 48th Highlanders Regimental Orders  1931 – 1939 48th Highlanders Regimental Orders 1926 1939 48th Highlanders Regimental Orders 1901 – 1913 48th Highlanders Regimental Orders 1901 –  1902  ( 4 copies) 48th Highlanders Regimental Orders 1903 –  1904 (2 copies) 48th Highlanders Regimental Orders 1905 –  1906 (2 Copies) 48th Highlanders Regimental Orders 1912 […]