The Princess Louise IV Dragoon Guards: A History

The Princess Louise IV Dragoon Guards: A History by Lt.-Col. H.M. Jackson. This book provides the regimental history of the Princess Louise IV Dragoon Guards, which starts with its lineage from 1855 to 1946.

The Toronto Scottish Regiment 1939-1945 by Grant

“Carry On”: The History of The Toronto Scottish Regiment 1939-1945 by D.W. Grant. This book gives an account of the Toronto Scottish Regiment service during the Second World War and the aftermath of the war. Type: History -Canadian -Military Notes: Duplicate 1190

History of the Royal Regiment of Canada 1862-1962 by Goodspeed

Battle Royale: A History of the Royal Regiment of Canada 1862-1962 by D.J. Goodspeed. This book provides the history of Royal Regiment of Canada since 1862 to 1962, which the regiment was amalgamated in 1936 with the Royal Grenadiers and the Toronto Regiment.

Always a Strathcona by W.B. Fraser

Always a Strathcona by W.B. Fraser. This book gives an overview of Lord Strathcona’s Horse (Royal Canadians) regiment, which the regiment started during the Boer War and covers up to the 1970s.