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Collection access

The museum will give researchers with legitimate goals access to the exhibit collection.  For access to the Research Collection see Policy section 4.3.0.  The collection management committee or the curator will establish the qualifications and legitimate goals of the researcher.  Access may be limited to the objects to specified methods of examination and to certain times.  The  committee or curator may require a written request, stating which objects are to be examined, the method of examination, and the reason for examination.

Non-flash photography will be permitted of museum objects and documents on the permission of the committee or curator following the above guidelines for collection access.

The museum registration records are not a public record and are to be considered confidential information.  The committee or curator may at their discretion provide portions of the registration records to qualified researchers, but restrict access to donor, location and value.

This policy is a public document.  A copy will be kept in the museum office and made available to any interested person.

This collection management policy may be amended by a resolution following provisions in the constitution and bylaws respecting amendments.

The forms implementing this policy are attached as reference.

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