– Documents
Pipes and Drums Association 48th Highlanders of Canada
Newsletter January 2007
Bladhna Mhath Ur
Happy New Year
Photo of outgoing P/M CWO Sandy Dewar, MMM, CD and incoming P/M MWO Iain Lang, CD
Page 2 Photos of Pipes and Drums, one with Johnny Cash 1981.
Page 3
Wine and Cheese Social Sunday May 6, 2007 and Biographies of incoming Pipe Major Iain Lang and retiring Pipe Major Sandy Dewar
Page 4
Continuation of biographies
Page 5 History of the Dewar family in the 48th Highlanders
The Last time the band won Grade 1 North American Championship, Maxville 1958.
Who played the opening hockey game 50 years ago, 1956?
Page 6
Letters and information, Bereavements, and information on New Years morning and Levee in the band room, Moss Park Armouries.
Page 7
Black and white photos from the archives, Canadian Pipe Majors at the Vimy Ridge memorial ceremonies, April, 1945 and PM Willie Ross 1952 Edinburgh commemoration dinner.48th Pipes and Drums visiting the Museum of the Gordon Highlanders, Aberdeen, 1963, a piper in Afganistan, 2006 and The Pursuit of the Boot and Committee Members.