with CO’s notes – Program
48th Highlanders
Laying up of the Colours of the 48th Highlanders of Canada
Lieut.-Colonel K.C.B. Corbett, C.D. Commanding
St. Andrew’s Church, Toronto
Officiating Clergy
Capt (Hony, Colonel) The Reverend Paul Stirling, Minister, St. Andrew’s Church Honourary Chaplain, 48th Highlanders of Canada
Hony. Capt. The Reverend Ross K. Cameron Regimental Chaplain, 48th Highlanders of Canada
Sunday, October 18th 1959 at 11 a.m.
Battle Honours
South Africa 1899-1900-Ypres 1915-17-Festubert 1915-Mount Sorrel 1916-Somme 1916-Vimy 1917-Hill 70-Passchendale-Amiens-Drocourt Queant-Canal du Nord-Landing in Sicily-Assoro-Campobasso-Ortona-Liri Valley-Hitler Line-Gothic Line-Lamone Crossing-Rimini Line-Apeldoorn.
on Reverse
Morning Service at Eleven O’Clock
Annual Church Parade and Laying Up of the Colours of the 48th Highlanders of Canada
The Regimental Chaplain Will Preach
Organ Prelude- Meditation Grace
Voluntary Military Band
“Silver Trumpets”
Processional Hymn 86 Tune, Old 100th Military Band
Call to Worship
Prayers of Invocation, Confession, and Supplication
The Lord’s Prayer
Scripture Lessons
Hymn O Valiant Hearts Military Band
The Act of Remembrance
The Blessing
The Recessional Hymn- O God our help of ages past
Organ Postlude – Marche Pontificate Vidor
Prayers of Thanksgiving and Intercession
Offertory Anthem Noble
Offertory Hymn 546 Soldiers of Christ! Arise Military Band
Prayer for Illumination
The Sermon
Ascription of Praise
Laying Up of The Colours – the COs notes