Robert Carle was born in Scotland and emigrated to the USA. He served in the United States Marine Corps from 1930-1934 and enlisted for service with the Canadian Active Service Force (CASF) on 29 May 1940. He landed at Dieppe on 10 August 1942 and was awarded the Military Medal for bravery with the Essex Scottish. On 7-Nov-43 Sgt Carle was transferred to the 48th Highlanders. On 20-Jan-44 he was leading a patrol to retrieve the body of Captain Ted Heighington who had been killed the previous day. He had not reached the dead captain’s body when a voice either challenged or gave an order. Carle, an aggressive scout, automatically fired at the sound. The ambush that had been laid by German paratroops opened up on the 48th patrol. Of seventeen Highlanders on that patrol only five escaped to safety that night. Eleven were taken prisoner, and Sgt Carle who was initially reported missing was confirmed to have been killed. .