B73038 Pte Fitkin, Arnold Edward enlisted in the 48th Highlanders, 1st Battalion (Date tbd). He was in the Slow Convoy when the battalion shipped to the Landings at Pachino Sicily on 9 July 1943. His ship was torpedoed and Fitkin arrived in Libya (Oran?) before being shipped to catch up with the battalion. He was in HQ Company as driver of an ammunition truck. His family believe he was a drummer with the Pipe Band. Photos show in him in Apeldoorn, The Netherlands in 1945. He was recorded in Canada in the Repatriation Depot in CD-MD2 48TH Highlanders Part 11 Orders issued by No. 4 Canadian Repatriation Depot (CAF). This Order No. 54 dated 7 Sep 45 A Coy
(More research required)
NOK: Wife: Mrs. A. Fitkin, 106 Regent St. Toronto.
Note: His brother-in-law, Frederick Vincent Todd was in B Company, 1st Bn, 48th Highlanders.