Lt. Blair Eby - 2nd Bn 48th Highlanders, 1940

Major Blair Smart Eby, MC

Lt. Blair Eby joined the 2nd Battalion, 48th Highlanders in Toronto and is shown in a 1940 newspaper article as one of the 52 officers of the 2nd Battalion who were training for service in the Second World War. Travelling to England to the Holding Unit he was promptly sent to  the 1st Battalion, 48th Highlanders of Canada in England in January 1943.  For the sailing to Sicily in June 43 Lt Eby was a platoon commander in Charlie Company. Following the Sicilian campaign and advance up the Adriatic side of Italy, Lt. Eby was awarded the Military Cross for his skillful and hands on leadership near San Marco (see MC Commendation). Shortly after he suffered from jaundice, contracted in Sicily, and returned to the battalion at Torella in the last week of November. In February, Captain Eby was transferred to a post at brigade HQ, and in July 1942 transferred to a staff post with 12th Infantry Brigade.

Military Cross (MC)

On the afternoon of 4 Oct 43, Lt BS Eby, with a raiding party of fourteen men was ordered to attack Mt INGOTTO feature to the EAST of S Marco and overlooking the junction of the only road leading out of town.  A troop of tanks supported him in the raid. The enemy were known to be on the WEST slope of the feature, their strength being about two hundred.  They were well dug in and concentrated artillery fire on their positions had failed to move them.  Lieut Eby led his men up onto the feature from the rear, and on reaching the crest, assaulted in conjunction with the tanks.  Almost at once, extremely heavy machine gun fire broke out, both from the position being assaulted and from a higher feature from the NORTH. There was no cover of any kind, but despite this and ever increasing machine gun fire, Lieut Eby continued to lead his men forward over open ground.

In the face of this determined advance, the enemy left their weapon pits and withdrew in confusion down the slope of the hill, to the road where about thirty casualties were inflicted on them.  In the meantime, fire from the Northern feature had increased and was directed on the position from which the enemy had been driven.  Lieut Eby, with great coolness re-organized his party, moved them out of the field of fire.  The capture of this feature was of great importance as it dominated the Brigade front – the loss of it made the S. MARCO feature untenable to the enemy and opened the way for the Brigade advance to the FORTORE RIVER.  Lieut Eby’s party suffered five killed and one wounded, but his gallant leadership, his determination and disregard for his own safety was such an inspiration to his men that they achieved success over greatly superior numbers inflicting  heavy casualties on the enemy and cleared important ground.

48th First Bn (WW 2), 48th Second Bn (WW 2)
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Data source(s)

*Reinforcement Draft 10 Jun 1940
Lt BS Eby - C Coy
Museum Archive Documents
newspaper article with photos of the 52 officers of the 2nd Battalion, 48th Highlanders in 1940
Regimental History (Vol 3)- Dileas: A History of the 48th Highlanders of Canada 1929–1956
pages182-6, 196, 359, 361-4-5-6, 400, 498, 593, 772
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