RSM Graham Robertson uniform of RCACC 48th Highlanders (Cadets)

The uniform jacket of Cadet Regimental Sergeant Major Graham Robertson. Robertson joined the 48th Highlanders Cadets in 2002 and rose to the highest cadet rank of RSM. Upon graduation, Robertson joined the 48th Highlanders of Canada Reserve battalion. Tunic: Dark green tunic open at neck; closed by four buttons; with two breast pockets and two […]
RSM Graham Robertson ( cadet) – Medals

RSM Graham Robertson – medals from left to right – a) Lord Strathcona Medal; b) Legion Medal of Excellence; c) RCACC Service Medal
St. Andrew’s College Cadet Uniform

Scarlet doublet (red of St. George’s Cross) , cut to accommodate a kilt and based on 48th Highlander tunic with 8 St Andrew’s brass buttons on front and 2 buttons on the waist line at the back , 3 buttons on each of 4 Inverness flaps (2 front and 2 back) and 3 on each […]
St. Andrew’s Cadet Corps 100th Anniversary Pin – 2005

Circular design, a cadet in full dress uniform protruding at top with St. Andrew’s Cross superimposed in centre of badge. On one side are maple leafs and the other thistles. Markings: on front around outer edge of badge “ST. ANDREW’S COLLEGE HIGHLAND CADET CORPS” and “1905 – 1995”. On a red scroll below “DILEAS GU […]
Cert. of Qualification Royal Canadian Army Cadets

RCAC Certificate of Qualification form specifying that 2894 Thomas Slater has completed training and is qualified as cadet junior leader. Document dated 19 Aug 1972 and signed by LCol W H Glover, Commanding Officer, Ipperwash Cadet Camp. Tom Slater joined the 48th Highlanders Cadets 1971-73, joined the 48th Highlanders of Canada reserve battalion 1973-75 and […]