Handwritten note accompanying nominal roll
handwritten note accompanying nominal roll when mailed to Canada-stamped ‘Brigade Signal Base-6 Aug 1917 Shoreham, Sussex’
Nominal Roll 92nd Battalion at Riverdale Barracks
Nominal roll of 92nd Battalion at Riverdale Barracks, Toronto – A Coy – 7 pages, legal size, typed alphabetically with Regimental numbers
silk patch with tassels in Davidson Tartan Pattern patch 16″ long,triangular-2″ at tassel at bottom, point on end pin bisecting patch; for attaching on shirt or jacket pin printed “48th Highlanders” silk patch worn at Vimy Pilgrimage 1936
Ribbons & Medals
Ribbons: MM,British war medal 1919,Victory medal 1919
List of 48th CASF 1939
Embroidery on café Anglais napkin
Review of Dileas by Greg Clark
reproduced newspaper article signed by Greg Clark, reporter for The Toronto Telegram, and WWI veteran
Cpl A Florence
Original enlistment 1891, Charcoal sketch
Sergeant WWI
Oval frame picture
Capt A. R. (Archie) McGregor – kia 2nd Ypres – 24 April 1915
Captain McGregor of No. 1 Company, 15th Battalion (48th Highlanders) was killed by the first Chlorine attack of the war while defending the trenches with his company. When the day was over, there remained in the battalion 3 officers out of 27 and 316 Other Ranks out of 953. The rest were killed, wounded, missing […]
Battle Dress Tunic and Pants
Lumber jacket type blouse with button closed cuff. Knoch lapels and eppaulets with two buttons. Built in waist belt with a buckle on the wearers right side. 3 front buttons are hidden with a flap. Two interior pockets. Two baloon Breast pockets with flaps secured with a hidden button. On the eppaulets are two sets […]