Yellowed paper with King’s message printed with black ink reading: “I join with my grateful people in sending you this memorial of a brave life given for others in the Great War.”, held in black wood frame. At the top of the document is the royal coat of arms and the words: “BUCKINGHAM PALACE”, both embossed with red wax, and at the bottom below the message is printed the facsimile signature of King George V as: “George R.I.” (George Rex Imperator).
This document was given by the British government to families of soldiers who passed away during the war as part of a set of three items, with the other two being a commemorative scroll, and a memorial plaque (nicknamed dead man’s penny).
On the back side of the wood frame are two round metal loops for hanging the frame, a wooden leg for standing the frame, and a sticker with the item’s bar code and the maker’s information: “RARE WOODS DAX R76557B EBONY Made in Indonesia”.