Troops at ease at service for 29 lost at Lamone River crossing, Italy

48th unit standing at ease at Lamone river cemetery – 15 Feb 1945

Cemetery near Lamone River. The first two Ranks nearest the grave markers are Officers. Captain Mike George is second from the left in the front row. The 48th held a memorial ceremony at the cemetery before being sent from the Lamone/Senio rivers area to begin chasing the Germans across the Ravenna marshes.

The 48th Highlanders had successfully crossed the Lamone River on 10 December 1944 after battalions from two brigades had been repulsed along the river. The 48th crossing, defeating counterattacking German troops, created a well defended and large bridgehead enabling other battalions to follow.. P0586

Associated place
Italy, Lamone River
Associated event
Service at Lamone River Crossing, Italy 1945
Associated name(s)
(front L-R] Proctor; George; Seagram; ?; Renison; Mackenzie; (back L-R] Brock; ?; ?; Hendrie?; Leadbeater;
1939 – 1945 (WW 2)
Location of artifact
Binder 3, Research Room Shelf
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