– Documents
48th Highlanders
Dileas Gu Brath Old Comrades Association
Memorial Hall
519 Church Street
Toronto 5
Phone KI. 4876
President: Treasurer:
H. Ralph J. Campbell-Tibb
LL 7051 HO. 4395
Vice-Pres.: Secretary:
J. Woods James Fleming
GL 0725 KE. 6108
Manager Walter Terrell
HA. 0896
Reverse Side
48th Highlanders (Old Comrades) Association
The Regular Monthly Meeting of the Association will be held in the Memorial Hall, 519 Church St., – on Tuesday, October 8th, 1946
H. Ralph, President Bob Lee, Secretary
Art Scully thanked members who assisted on Sick Committee while he was on holidays.
George Lovegrove was presented with Past Presidents Ring. News on Big New Years Dance, also dance on November 1st, 1946.
Back Side
Officers 1946
President., H. Ralph, 62 Tyrell Ave. LL. 7051
Vice-Pres., J. Woods, 8 Lamb Avenue GL. 0725
I.P.P. G. Lovegrove, 9 Pendrith Avenue KE 8917
Sec’y…Jas. Fleming, 58 Holland Pk. Ave. KE 6108
Teas., J. Campbell-Tibb, 19 Balsam Ave. HO 4395
G.F. MacKenzie, R. Pennycook, L. Burt, D. Goodall, Robert Lee, J. Shaw, F. North
James McConnach LA 5759
Major the Very Rev. Stuart C. Parker, D.D.
48th Highlanders Association
H. Ralph A.A. Scully L. Burt Robert Lee
Pensions Counsel, W.F. Challenger, AD. 5535
Commissioned under the Privy Seal to take sworn declarations and evidence under oath.
George Lovegrove KE. 8917
A.A. Scully L. Burt Robert Lee D. Goodall F. North
J. Campbell-Tibb
Frank North, JU. 4473
R. Pennycook, D. Goodall L. Burt Robert Lee
A.A. Scully. HO 9893
G.F. Mackenzie, James Fleming J. Woods G.E. Laceby
J. Rynn W. Boulding
G.F. Mackenzie. LA 7375
J. Buick J. Edmondson
Pipe Band
Pipe Major Robert Smith, LL. 5656