WWI Field Compass with Leather Case – Capt. Charles E. Read, 15th Battalion First World War Officer issued compass for field navigation and orienteering. Leather case has Letter B most likely for B Company / MMM 1906 written Equipment More
WWI Khaki Putties (Replica) Khaki Putties (2 pair); Replica made for WWI reenactment uniform S/N?? on strap A602074 Education More
WWI Khaki Whistle Cord (Replica) Khaki whistle cord – replica made for reenactment as part of WWI uniform. Education More
WWI Service Medals A Blais and A H Blais 2 medals court-mounted a) British War Medal b) Interallied Victory Medal Medals More
WWI Service Medals W J Marrison 1 medal a) British war medal, 2) ribbon only for Victory Medal Medals More
WWII ID Disks Pte J.C. Probert three disks held together with a ring; one is an octagon shaped the other two are circular all are stamped with the same information Accoutrements More
WWII Medic Arm Band A 3.5 inch by 15 inch cotton arm band with brass snap closures. Stamped with the Canadian Army inside marked with “1944 Italy CSM”. Equipment More