LCol A. A. Miller – Copy of King’s Message

Yellowed paper with King’s message printed with black ink reading: “I join with my grateful people in sending you this memorial of a brave life given for others in the Great War.” At the top of the document is the royal coat of arms and the words: “BUCKINGHAM PALACE”, both embossed with red wax, and […]

1905 Bronze Plate – Lt A.A. Miller

Small rectangular bronze plate with the 48th Highlanders regimental buckle badge image near the centre top and below it is etched-in text running the width of the plate reading: “PRESENTED TO   LIEUT A.A.MILLER   48TH HIGHLANDERS   BY HIS BROTHER OFFICERS   ON THE OCCASION OF HIS MARRIAGE   OCT 12TH 1905. ” On the back of the plate […]

WW1 Memorial Plaque – LCol A. A. Miller

Bronze circle memorial plaque given to family of LCol A. A. Miller after his passing in the war, with his name in a rectangular box on the plaque reading: “ARMOUR ADAMSON MILLER”. The design of the plaque was decided upon through a public competition and the winner was a Mr. Edward Carter Preston (1894-1965), and […]

Commemorative Scroll for LCol A.A. Miller

Yellowed paper scroll commemorating the passing of LCol A.A. Miller while in service, held in a rectangular mahogany colour wood frame. The top of the scroll features a large image of the coat of arms of the United Kingdom with the royal cypher of “GVRI” (George V Rex et Imperator) at the top. Printed below […]

LCol A. A. Miller – King’s Message

Yellowed paper with King’s message printed with black ink reading: “I join with my grateful people in sending you this memorial of a brave life given for others in the Great War.”, held in black wood frame. At the top of the document is the royal coat of arms and the words: “BUCKINGHAM PALACE”, both […]

“The Highlander Window” – Stained Glass in St Andrew’s Church

“The Highlanders’ Window”, a stained-glass window designed by Peter Haworth and dedicated on Sunday, 7 November 1937. Mrs. Thomas J. Clark donated the window out of her admiration for the regiment. Sergeant George Elms posed for the artist, little knowing that his son and grandson would also serve in the 48th. As described in 1950 […]

Communion Table in St Andrew’s Church donated by Sergeants

In the centre of the chancel is the Memorial Communion Table dedicated on Remembrance Day, Sunday 11 November 1934 by The Rev. Stuart C. Parker, D.D., Minister of St. Andrew’s and Chaplain of the Regiment.  The table, a gift of the sergeants in memory of their comrades who fell in the First World War, stands […]

Memorial Plaque to Pte John Smith Berry

Brass plaque placed on the wall of St Andrew’s Church in memory of Pte John  Smith Berry killed in action on Oct 10, 1944. The plaque was donated by Brigadier Ian Johnston in the mid 1960s. This plaque communicates, perhaps better than any other, the bonds between those who served together. It states simply: “To […]