Various Uniform Parts and Books
8 x 48th cap badges 2 x Gordons cap badges 1 x 92nd cap badge 1 x 134th cap badge Colonies Chocolate Gift Box Balmoral 1 x each olive, khaki, brown hoses whistle on cord 48th Song book red 48th song book green The Gordon Highlanders (famous regiments) book 48th pipe band song book From […]
Box 2021810010

storage box containing: Frank Collis – photos, letters 1 bag Pte. E. A. Tweddle empty medals bows ( medals mounted on display 2009004001 to 006) Herbert McClelland – copy of attestation paper and Valcartier shooting medal 1 box Philip Seagram with empty envelopes Don Caswell B734400 one envelope copy of service record Sgt. James Harker […]
Box of flags, mess tins, and belt attachments
Various flags, canteens, cooking kits, a level, a wire cutter, and belt attachments.
Box 2021800541 of Artifacts of Col. John C D d’Esterre

Donation of Artifacts of Col. J C D d’Esterre. Donated by Ian McAskill, grandson WW1 photo post cards framed CEF signal about war ending 7 trench maps 1 porcelain plate from RMS Olympic troop ship menus from St Andrews dinner Platoon record book of 48th Highlanders personnel Canvas pack with 3 belts of webbing hardcover […]
Tower Box 2021800041 – Event programs, manuals and documents
Manuals and documents, event programs
Tower Box 2021800021
W.P. and G. Elms Life Members Association certificate OCA medal sashes 1978-86 cheque slips Sicily sash Christmas card 48th Highlanders Association by-laws List of OCA members as of September 11, 2001 48th Highlander’s lease agreements, copies of by-laws, and other documents
Tower Box 2021800008
Copy of Comrades by Don Norris; Manuscript of The Story of a Sword by MWO RA Appleton; Commemorative 48th Highlanders Pachino Day sticker; Canadian badge pamphlet; Copy of 50th-anniversary version of Holland and the Canadians; American gas mask bag; goggles; late 1990s to mid-2010s photo album, mostly parade, and Old Comrades, around 100 photos; three […]
Box of items of 799853 Thomas Clark Cole – 15th Battalion
Box of various personal items belonging to Thomas Clark Cole, Service No. 799853, who served with the 48th Highlanders from February 1st 1916 until April 12th 1919. Included individual items’ accession numbers are: 2018016001 – 2018016029 Items included are: photographs, pay books, service records and documents, newspaper clippings, balmoral and glengarry hats, arm patch, small […]
Artifact box 2021800004
Small tray-type cardboard box. Contains: 2014001001-005, assorted artifacts; 2019008001, bayonet; 2017046001, LtCol Bent’s bronzed collar badge; 2015012001, panoramic photograph of C company; 2023806001, thistle tablecloth; 2014002001, DVD of ‘Gloria’s Silver Crossing; 2015012002, Ronson lighter and associated documents; 2019013001, photos from Apeldoorn 2005; 2013001001, stereoscopic photograph; 2001001001, postcard of Cpl Painter.